Goku | Frightened

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"Darn it it's raining!" Bulma stated as she sighed.

Her and the gang had all been out after the famous tournament. Eating away as usual, well at least Goku was.

"I still can't ever get over how much you eat Goku." Krillin stated in disbelief as everyone except bulma who was still a bit annoyed about the weather, watched Goku eat in shock.

"I can believe you turned that crazy chi chi down!" Yamcha says

"Yeah way to go Goku, but I'm curious as to why you said no, she was super angry." Krillin stated

"I don't know, I felt like I had to say no." Goku stated after he slurps down some noodles.

"You're unbelievable, but I'm glad you turned her down, it was for you're own good." Bulma added.

After dinner they all headed outside the restaurant. It was raining a bit softly now.

"Well we can all go back to my place, I don't mind!" Bulma shrugged

Goku was cut off by shouting, like someone was super angry. They turned to where it was coming from and saw a door open from a apartment building. No one else was around but them, since it was raining and night was beginning to fall, the sunset was peaking behind the clouds. A girl was suddenly shoved out onto the street, landing right into a puddle of muddy water, She fell onto her side. Out came a man who stormed furiously after her.

"I told you to have a hot meal ready by the time I got home!" He yelled as he raised his hand to strike her again. She flinched and held her arms out in front of her.

"The stove was broken please Leo!" She cries Goku quickly ran and grabbed his arm making the man known as Leo turn toward Goku with a shocked but angered expression. Goku stepped in front of the girl making her glance up at him. Her eyes shining with an ounce of hope. Bulma quickly ran over toward the girl.

"Hey come with me hurry." Bulma stated as she softly grabs the girls hand. The girl flinched for a second before quickly taking her hand.

"You lay another finger on her and you'll regret it!" Goku glares

"Y/N get you're ass back here right now or I'll drag you back toward me!" He yells. Y/n hesitated but was pulled back by bulma.

"No way you disgusting piece of trash she's not going back to you!" Bulma yelled at him.

"You shut your mouth and mind your business-"

"Shut up before I go rough you up as well!" Yamcha yells

"Hey! Why are you hurting that girl for, that's wrong!" Goku stated as he glared at the man. The man snatched his hand from Goku.

"That's none of your business, she needs to learn and know her place. Now give her back to me or I'll make you." He threatens.

"No please I'll go back!" Y/n cries as she began to walk back but was held back by bulma.

"No way I'm not letting you go back to that asshole!"

"Please he'll hurt your friend if I don't!" She begged as tears began flooding at her eyes.

"Don't worry, Goku can handle himself trust me!" She winked

Y/n stood and watched the man "Goku" and Leo.

"No she's not going back with you because you're a bad person, grandpa said you're supposed to be very polite towards girls."

"What are you a saint? like I said I'll just have to get her back." Leo tried to punch Goku who dodged it then simply punched him in the face, sending him into a nearby brick wall. Leo looked as if he was knocked out cold. Y/N's eyes were wide, she was beyond shocked to see how strong this Goku was. She however got down on her hands and knees and bowed.

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