His cousin had no interest in marrying him though and regarded him as her elder brother. There was no love lost there, for Arthur too had always adored Eloise as if she was one of his younger sisters. He was relieved to find that Eloise hadn't turned into one those young girls who quickly became infatuated with him upon realizing his standing in society, and kindled ideas of romance in there heads as if he was some prince charming from a novela.

Eloise might give appearance of a proper lady now but beneath that façade there was a wild young girl,who Arthur knew, loved adventure. Many a times during her visits as a girl Arthur had found her engaging is most unlady like activities such as climbing trees or chasing hounds for fun. Many a times he had to discipline her as a father figure. But obviously he kept it as a secret for he didn't want her to get in any trouble. Over the years they had developed this sibling-like relationship where she would tease him for being too stern and calculated whereas he would scold her for being too heedless and nonchalant.

"Very well then, I will take matrons towards the east end" Said his mother standing up. "Arthur and Ryland can direct whoever wishes to join them towards the west end."

"And you can begin wherever you wish Eloise." She said with a warm smile directed towards Eloise before leaving with the two matrons in her tow.

"I shall let you and Ryland depart first with whichever of the ladies who should choose to join your party. And I shall stay behind for whoever wishes to join me ." Eloise said with a sweet smile. Poor girl, Arthur thought. No one here is going to join her, unless Arthur switched sides and opted to go along with her instead of Ryland. But then She would have to witness all the foolish attempts and flatteries being made by these dandizettes. It was bad enough he had to go through this, but he wouldn't subject her to such social torture.

Everyone had left the room after finishing tea. Inspired by Penelope's flattering remark, the marchioness had proposed a tour of the estate for her guests.

She had taken matrons with her and left the ladies to choose between either lord Bradford and Mr. Kenmore or Miss Janssen to act as their guides as they tour the estate.

Given that all the young ladies were here for the single purpose of catching a husband, preferably lord Bradford, they all had chosen to join him and Mr. Kenmore.

She was the only one who had stayed behind and chosen to go with Miss Janssen. Noticing the saddened look in Miss Janssen's eyes she decided she must try and lighten her mood.

"It appears to me Miss Janssen, that I shall have the pleasure of obtaining a solo tour unlike anyone else" she smiled "how lucky I am, that you have chosen to bestow such kindness upon me"

Hearing her partly jesting comment put a smile on Lady Janssen's face. "I shall allow you to be in my good graces, only if you call me Eloise. Miss Janssen seems to formal if we are to be friends."

Katherine gave a dramatic gasp. "Ah! But you see, 'what great care and affection you must invest' in me to commend me to your friendship" Katherine made a mocking mimicry of Penelope's earlier flattery. And with that, they both shared a good laugh. There was something genuine about her nature, unlike everyone else, that put Katherine at ease in her company.

"If I must call you Eloise, then you must call me Katherine or Kate." She said looping her arm through hers.

"As you wish. So, where would you like to go first? Do you have anything particular in mind, that you would like to see?" Asked Eloise.

"Ideally, I would like to see the whole estate. But I am a bit fatigued from my travel today. Maybe be you can show me some parts today and others we save for some other time?" She asked

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