Part 2 - The Blasting Curse

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For the first time in Violet's fourth year, the benches had to be folded away to accommodate the practice mannequin, this model enhanced with enough protective charms and physical padding to take the strain of repeated blasts battering its heart. One at a time, the students approached the centre of the class and, with Flitwick's guidance, sent the curse towards the dark, faceless figure stood stoically before them. Trembling in his robes, Will stepped forward. "Sir, what happens if the target...isn't protected?" he asked as he let his wand fall into his hand.

Flitwick twirled his wand between his fingers and noted the snickering Merula in the corner of his eye. "A sensible concern, Mr. Steele," he said, continuing only when Merula's face hardened into a stony disappointment. "Without proper protection, anything within the blast radius would be knocked back a considerable distance. As for anything struck directly, well...if the blast is not controlled, it could result in grievous injury."

The mannequin seemed to shudder before Will. "I was afraid of that..." he muttered to himself before assuming his casting stance. He shut his eyes. Confringo. The incantation and the motion cycled past him so quickly that they became muddied by the thoughts swamped in his mind, the noise of the past explosions deafening him. In shock, he jolted his eyes open and caught sight of Penny on the other side of the class, where the successful students stood. "Confringo!" Before he knew what he was doing, Will sent the curse into the mannequin's torso.

The figure creaked as it leaned back, yet only as it fell back to its resting position did Will steady his trembling hand. Flitwick nodded and made a couple of vague noises behind his hand. "Lacking some power, perhaps, but your technique is excellent," he said with a smile. "A fine effort, Mr. Steele. You may move on. In future, try not to be so hesitant! You control the spell, remember that!"

Sighing with relief, Will thanked the professor and carried himself over to the far side of the room. The other passing students, which included Zari and Penny, commended his effort as Merula swept into the space he had left. "This'll be quick," she said as she took out her wand. After a single breath, Merula threw her wand-wielding hand up and spoke the incantation, completing the motion rapidly and fired a large bolt of energy towards the mannequin. In an instant, Flitwick launched forward with his wand pointed outwards, and from the tip of the wood a blue stream poured forth. The light struck the mannequin, and the dim glow that had surrounded it expanded into a towering wall of blue light, engulfing one half of the classroom in its radiance. The curse's bolt caught the mannequin and tossed it to the ground whilst remnants of the energy, fluttering through the hot air like butterflies, struck against the enlarged shield and dissipated out of sight.

Merula's eyes roared with delight. "Got it on my first try, as everybody knew I would," she restrained her pride enough to say as she knocked her boots against the ground.

The mannequin's shield dimmed and returned to its primary target. With paced breaths, Flitwick paced back to Merula with eyes wide. "You are undoubtedly gifted, Miss Snyde, but your self-control needs work," he seethed. "However, it is enough for a pass at this time. Perhaps Mr. Steele can provide you with some directions on how to control the power of your casting."

Merula rolled her eyes as she walked across the classroom, her foot landing on a smoking scorch mark on the floorboards. As her hand tugged at the hem of her jumper, Violet stepped forward and twirled her wand between her fingers. Her eyes locked onto the mannequin, her breathing slowed to a steady, yet determined pulse that invited her will forward, guiding her lips and her arm to project a bolt into the mannequin's centre of mass. With a thud, the mannequin struck the floor, taking a moment to recover its shield before slowly climbing to regain its balance. Violet relaxed and turned to Flitwick at her side. "How was that, sir?"

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