Their Surrogate 1

Start from the beginning

"Dang.. Why didnt i think of it. Am sure Mom Dad wouldnt have said anything stupid like it. Because you know they love him more than me like he is their son or Gulf has two set of parents. Dotting and loving. But last weekend we had to attend a family dinner. And now i notice, Gulf strated to behave like this after that. That means....".

"That means someone rile him up". Tae patted his shoulder in sympathy. He knew and he was well aware of how Mew's relatives, not all, but some of them tried to provoke his parents against same sex marriage. Only if his parents didnt love them both, they wont be married for almost a year.

"Thank you Tae. Can you handle the office. I need to rush home". Mew stood up getting his things from the table and rushed out of the office as soon as Tae nodded his head. They were free anyway.

"Gulf!!! Baby. Where are you"? Mew entered their cute cottage like home. He called for Gulf but no reply. Gulf wasnt in the kitchen. Or in the sitting area. He wasnt at the backyard too, his favorite place. Mew opened the door to their bedroom and sighed heavily. Gulf was laying on the bed, back to the door. But he knew he wasnt sleeping.

"Baby. Am home love. I ditched my work and left everything to Tae and rushed home to spend time with my baby". Mew spoke in a fresh tone to cheer up Gulf as he sat on the bed besides him.

Gulf opened his eyes to look at him before he turned to other side. Mew closed his eyes for a moment and slipped in the bed too, behind Gulf. He gently rolled Gulf to his side and gathered him to his chest.

"Baby i know what you are feeling. I am not disagreeing with you for having a baby. But tell me how would it happen? We can always opt for Adoption baby. Hmmm"? He was rubbing circles on Gulf's back and he knew Gulf was silently crying.

"I want my baby Mew. My own. Yours and Mine. Is it too much to ask"? He asked between muffled sobs.

"No baby it isnt. I would give you the whole world Gulf if you ask. And you know this. But did something happen at the gathering? We are together for long and not once i felt you this desperate. What happened. Tell me". Mew lifted his face and as he assumed, there was surely something that happened.

"Who said anything"? He asked in a bit stern tone.

"Mrs Keith". Gulf said in between tears. He didnt want to create any misunderstanding in Mew's family, especially when his parents loved him so much. But mrs Keith was his mom's second cousin and she never approved Gulf. Though no one pay any mind to her.

Mew gritt his teeth in annoyance.

"That fucking woman...". He spat in anger. She was always a fuss for the family. Never missing any chance to feed Mew about divorcing Gulf and marrying a girl, most likely her daughter, to give the family a heir. Someone to proceed their name.

"Please Mew.. I beg of you. Please". Mew closed his eyes pulling Gulf into his chest as he was crying again.

"Calm down baby. Relax. No more tears okay. Lets have dinner and then rest. I will be home tomorrow. We will talk about it. Now relax". Mew forcefully took Gulf to get fresh and then dinner. 

With lots of sweet nothings, cuddlings and sniff kissing, Mew managed to feed an exhausted Gulf and put him to bed. His heart filled with the pain as he saw Gulf instantly fell asleep indicating how upset he was.

He messaged his mother and mother in law in their combined chat if they had time to talk. Obviously they were worried as it was past dinnet time, but as Mew expected his mother was fuming in anger as soon as she got the name.

"Mew. Spend time with Gulf. You know we dont have any issue with heir or no heir. For us he means more than anything. And dont let any negativity consume your relationship.". His mother said and Mew could only agree. He was not able to explain how deeply it had already affected Gulf. But he knew he had to do something as soon as possible.

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