Promise me a forever

Start from the beginning

"You two can start drinking without me. I have to take photos since I'm here because of that too" Mingyu threw his camera over his shoulder as he walked towards Hansol's dressing room.

"Cheese traitor" Mingyu pushed the door without warning and took a photo, completely shocked by the sight. "Should I be concerned?" Bin shook his head as he patted a hysterically sobbing Hansol, leaning on his shoulder.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Seungkwan? Joshua Hyung's officiant introduction must be starting now. Hansol has to go there soon" Bin shrugged and tried his best not to move too much and get more tears on his suit. "Dongmin is with Seungkwan. I'll stay here" Mingyu had been an absolute Cupid and set up Bin with his friend Dongmin a few years back, and they were still going strong and making him proud by just looking at each other.

"Stop crying you child, you're getting married in five minutes, and I refuse to let you go out there like this" Mingyu wiped a few tears before doing the job of a makeup artist and fixing him up. "Your eomma is in the crowd, it was a surprise, but I felt like ruining it" Hansol instantly stopped crying, a broke smile making its way onto his face.

"She wasn't going to miss it for anything. I mean, both of them weren't" Mingyu didn't go into further detail as he pulled Hansol out of the room and walked with him towards the wedding hall.

"That's what you meant by both?" Hansol instantly stopped moving as he saw both his mothers standing in front of him. "We've been with Seungkwan all this time. I love your taste in men. So much better than mine" his birth mother laughed dryly before pulling him into a hug. "Mom" Hansol choked out a sob, only tightening his grip around the older woman.

"Vernon, my boy" Hansol didn't want to finish his tears before the wedding, but he would at this rate. Hansol turned around at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. The person didn't need to say anything for Hansol to collapse in her arms. "Eomma, why did you leave us? Don't leave us again" He was too busy crying to notice Mingyu's camera going off a dozen times.

"Enough crying, go stand on the alter" Mrs Choi said, placing a kiss on Hansol's cheek as his birth mother did the same to the other cheek. They both gave him encouraging smiles before going to take their seat. "The nerves are getting to you, baby brother" Seungcheol put an arm around Hansol the moment he reached his spot on the wedding altar.

Mingyu ran over to Seokmin and Minghao, who were already standing in their spots as the groomsmen beside Seungcheol. "Would you breathe! He's coming to marry you, not kill you" Wonwoo said from the other side, being the nicest he could be. "He's here, EVERYONE QUIET!" Soonyoung announced, seeing Seungkwan walking in with his father by his side.

"He looks so beautiful" with that, Hansol's waterworks started yet again. Mingyu took photos to his peak satisfaction as he focused on Hansol's face. "Look, he's crying even before you are, even before I am!" Seungkwan's dad smiled softly at Hansol, everyone knew the man had a secret fondness for his future son in law, and he was more than happy to stand in as the parent his father could never be for him.

"I'm letting you change my son's name to Choi, it's not better than Boo, but I'll forget that since I actually like you..." Mr Boo paused for a second before letting go of Seungkwan's hand and placing it in Hansol's.

"...son" Seungkwan smiled wide as he saw Hansol pout adorably at that. "I don't have to call him Mr Boo anymore" Hansol said excitedly to Seungkwan, who just tightened the hold on his hand.

Joshua cleared his throat before telling the two boys to go ahead with the vows. Seungkwan knew Hansol wasn't going to stop crying any time soon, so he took matters into his own hands. "Sol, you're not planning on letting me cry, are you? You keep stealing the spotlight, babe. I don't know how to start or if it's allowed for me to go into detail about how our adorable love story started. There are kids here after all" Seungkwan waved at Minhyuk sitting on Yanan's lap, who was attempting to escape the boy and run to his parents.

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