Chapter 1

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I woke up in the hospital. I didn't have the strength to open my eyes, but the sound of the constant beeping of the monitor told me my heart was fine and confirmed that I was there. 

"Do you think she will pull through?" Cat asked.

"We can only pray and hope to the good Lord that she does." My mom said.

I found the energy, from that, to open my eyes. I looked around at all my friends. Either they had puffy, red eyes, or they were fast asleep. 

I smiled. "Hi, guys."

The instant I spoke, all of those awake jumped up and hurried to my side.  I was immediately pounded by hugs, kisses, and tears.

"Do you know what you put us through?" My mom asked.

"Nope. I was out like a light." I responded.

"You put us through a lot!"

"You were struck ny lightning FIVE weeks ago!" Wendy yelled.

"Weeks?" I asked. I couldn't have been out THAT long.

"Yes. Weeks."


The doctor walked into the room. "I see that you're awake. You are quite the sleeper." The male doctor said as he looked at my vitals, writing them down. "Well, you seem fine and stable. I'll be able to release you in two days."

I nodded my head.

"Visiting hours are now over. Please leave our injured and sick to rest." A nurse blared across the intercom.

My friends walked out the door. My mom handed me something hard and metal. "I got that because yours electricuted itself."

I pushed the On button as she walked out the door. I instantly noticed it was an iPhone. Gotta love my mom. I scrolled through my new cellphone, looking to see if there was any new pictures or videos. I caught my reflection in the glare of the phone. My eyes had changed from dark blue to light, electric blue. My left eye had a nice shiner and my right eye was swollen with a bruise under it.

I reached a shaking hand to my cheek, where I saw a huge scar running from my ring finger on my right hand all the way up the hospital gown. I pulled the gown up some and followed the line. I eyed it all the way to my heart where a new line formed. I focused the phone on it and watched in the reflection as it ran up my neck and disappeared in my hair. I pulled the blanket that was wrapped around me off and saw many other scars all over my body. The one I focused my eyes on was a small scar just between my thumb and pointer finger on my left hand. It formed a lightning bolt. Kinda like the one off of Harry Potter.  

I pulled the covers back over my body. I set the phone against the end table next to my bed. I flip my body over and screamed into a pillow. I then released tears that were well needed.

My body was damamged. People get out of lightning strikes all the time! They never end up with scars from Hell! This sucks! People are going to look at me like I'm dumb and stupid and restless! These scars are going to be so hard to conceal! What am I going to do?

I grabbed the phone and started searching through my videos and pictures again. I noticed five videos that only show Wendy and it did the same for my other friends.  

The first one had Wendy at school with my phone. She was talking about how school hasn't changed. She showed me all her classes. She had her teachers wish me good luck and that I'll get better. She had to restart each video taking after each class period. She talked in one of the about the palpitations that my heart had back when she mad the video. It made my eyes tear up.

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