Chapter 1

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This idea kind of just popped up in my mind out of the blue,I just thought "Hey what if I wrote a little fanfiction where Blake and Yang are fed up with people thinking that they're lesbians and come up with a plan to show everyone that they are perfectly heterosexual(straight in other words) by making an attempt at courting a certain brooding blond succesfully" and so this little piece was born


"Inverted Commas - Speech"

'Singular Inverted Commas - thoughts'

Blake sits in the spectator seats of the empty Haven Academy's training arena quietly reading her adult book as her friend and partner named Yang blows off some steam with free reign on the place having thankfully saved it a day prior from those responsible for the fall of Beacon,Blake could not focus on reading though,she hated how people thought that they were lesbians when clearly they were not.

And that's also why Yang was beating the tar out of some training bots,Blake could clearly hear her partner's angry yells as she vented her frustrations about people thinking that they are actually lesbians,Yang had at a time actually told Blake about how she has had plenty of boyfriends in the few years she was at prep school which meant she is straight.

Blake herself dated Adam Taurus at the time that she herself was in the White Fang even though people seem to think that Adam only mentored her,the time they dated was relatively short and was before Adam turned into a terrorist hellbent on hurting non faunus as well as the SDC as he hated them the most of all humans so all in all that proves Blake is straight but that seems to be inadequit.


Yang was seething as she thought about the looks her and Blake have been getting,who did the others think they were,heck even Ruby has started to believe that damn lie,her own sister... luckily though Qrow of course didn't believe it seeing as he was an adult who thought like an adult despite being drunk a lot and then she thought about Jaune,he didn't even notice them much so...

A lightbulb suddenly went off in her head,Jaune was actually the answer to their little dilemma,she doubted he would possibly resist dating two girls at the same time with the girls both having assented to it,she also felt that Jaune could really use the physical and emotional attention,his outburst when he charged straight at Cinder in a vengeful rage with no regard for himself was proof.

She felt her own heart sting at the memory of Jaune's tears streaming down his face as he told Cinder that he would make her pay for Pyrrha's death,she also remembered clearly Jaune saying that he doesn't even care if he dies as long as everyone else just makes it out alive,she knew that he was hurting really badly so she felt she was really doing this all for not just herself and Blake but Jaune too.


Jaune went through the moves of the video from Pyrrha,he was doing so in the courtyard of Haven academy,he thought back to the day before,he almost had that damn murderer,he felt he could have actually driven his ancestral sword's point through the skull of Pyrrha's killer but he messed that up,he felt so useless,he couldn't even kill a blinded person,sure it was a temporary blindness but still.

He let out a frustrated yell as he dropped his sword and shield and embedded his fist in the wall next to him causing a fist sized chunk of wall to fall away and spider cracks to form,he felt like crying again in a powerful mix of sorrow and the feeling of being weak,he hated himself for temporarily losing his composure and almost letting another one of the people he really cared about almost die.

Who're You Calling Lesbians?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя