Chapter 2- Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Mathematician

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  If anyone met Monkey D. Luffy they would think he a man child who is a idiot, if you were his crew you would think that he’s a idiot with a good heart, determination, and one heck of one man army if he was pissed, except for two crew members that thought of something more. Those two thought of Monkey D. Luffy was a man-child, fun natured, care free, soul as pure as the sun, and a smile that showed protection, but that wasn’t all they also looked at his other side, a protector, a stronghold, fearless, dangerous when provoked, and smart in his own way. THose two that thought that were the ship's first mate and swordsman Zoro, and the mysterious archaeologist Robin.

 It was a normal day on the Thousand Sunny, everyone was relaxing on the deck besides a sniper, and the shipwright. “Uhhhhh I can’t solve this equation right! this is so UNSUPER!” Franky bellowed out, Usopp came next to the shipwright to look at the math that was so hard for the shipwright, then he cringed. “Sorry Franky but I can’t solve it, maybe Robin can help.” Robin looked up and smiled “ Gomen, Franky-san, Sniper-san but i’m not good at math.” Usopp and Franky both sulked, Luffy noticed them, “Oi Usopp, Franky what’s wrong?” Usopp still sulking turned to Luffy, “we can’t figure out this equation, it doesn’t make sense!” Luffy looked at Usopp and Franky, he then grabbed glasses hidden in his unbuttoned vest and put them on, the crew stared in wonder. Luffy grabbed the paper, “Oh this is simple really, all you had to do was move the 3, so it would turn into 3x…. and bring 47 to the other side…. and for this you have to find another way since using the radical won’t work since it isn’t a perfect square root…., and these numbers are incorrect, your answer was 348.12, but if you put the 2 here, the answer would be 402.45” Luffy stated simply, everyone looked at Luffy in shock, wide eyes and mouths slightly open, Zoro recovered first “Oi Luf, how the fuck did you know that?” Zoro knew his captain was smart in a special way but… “Well it’s simple, I just really love math.” Luffy said as he took off his glasses and put them in his vest again, Robin smiled in amusement while Luffy gave the fixed paper back to the other two. Everyone besides Luffy,Zoro, and Robin had their jaw on the ground, eyes large. Zoro and Robin smiled at their Captain who returned it with a grin, they loved how their was always surprises that come with their captain. That was the day when the Mugiwara no Ichimi found out their captain was a mathematician.

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