The Kiss

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I had never felt this cold. That kind of cold where you just feel...numb. It was freezing. I felt nothing. I couldn't see anything. I just saw black, darkness. It was like I had fallen into a dark, deep abyss. Where there was no beginning or ending.

I couldn't feel or see my pale scrawny fingers. But I could imagine them. My pale fingers seeking the rest of my body, seeking my reddish-brown hair or my startled, lifeless face.

I could imagine my hazel brown eyes attempting to see in the darkness. See if there's a brawny hand to pull me out of my own madness.

I could imagine my soulless body floating in the dark blue abyss. Sinking deeper and deeper, where you're even questioning if you're still alive.

I could imagine my bony legs looking bloodless. That happens when you're fighting for your dear life and then suddenly you give up. When you realise that there's nothing to fight for.

Because there's no one on the other side.

It felt like death had fallen upon me. Except that my brain still functioned, yet the rest of my body felt gone. I didn't know if I was in hell or heaven. On the other hand, I always imagined hell being like a hot burning place and heaven like a warm paradise. This place felt like neither. This place was neither a warm or pleasant place. Nevertheless, it was peaceful. Silence. Darkness. It's  peaceful. This place was like snow. Beautiful but cold.

Many people are afraid of the darkness, they're afraid of the monsters under their bed. Yet they never realise that they are the monsters. Most of the people doesn't like silence and darkness. They do everything in their power to escape it. Whereas I welcomed it with opened arms. I let it drown me, take me with the waves deeper and deeper down.

My plump frozen lips opened slightly and let the devil suck my soul out. Slowly, as I was suffocating, I felt how my body became shallow and alone. The remains were only my flesh and cold, dark heart.

I could imagine the shape of my abandoned body, slowly sinking, drowning. Until it reached the bottom, there I recalled my last memory.

"If I told you about the darkness inside me, would you still look at me like I'm the Sun?" He said softly against my neck. When I didn't answer, he stared at my eyes as his thumb stroked my under lip, parting my lips. "Would you?" He questioned more firmly. I didn't know if I could, but one thing I knew. I was in too deep to let go now. "Yes" I breathed out hesitantly and nodded. He smirked, a sinful smirk. The devil's smirk. "Good. Because I wouldn't let you go anyway" Then he crashed his lips on mine. His tongue invaded my mouth, sucking my soul out of my body.

My name was Nicole Smith. And I found peace when I surrendered to the darkness and welcomed the pain.

 And I found peace when I surrendered to the darkness and welcomed the pain

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"The kiss" by Klimt

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"The kiss" by Klimt. "Kiss my soul" "Lips of the devil" "Into the dark" "Yours to ruin" "Burrow deep" "Mine to keep" "Broken forever"

The Kiss, Dark short story Where stories live. Discover now