First day.

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I laughed as I walked with Adam up the Mountain.

"What? It wasnt funny" He pouted as he told me something that happened to gym to him.

"Yeah it was" I chuckle making him pout and roll his eyes.

"We are going to stop here." We heard out parents say. They set their stuff down and start unpacking. Me and adam set our stuff down and start making our tent.

"I cant believe you forgot your tent." I say looking at him. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me.

"Hey at least we are sharing a tent now." He winked at me making me blush and look away. I finished and brought my stuff in it and started to set up the sleeping bags and blankets we had. After everything was set up we got out of our tents. We saw that our parents had a fire away from the tent. We grabbed our chairs and walked over to it. I was engulfed by the heat and set the chair down next to my sister. Adam sat his next to me.

"So what did we have for the first night for food?" I asked the parents that had most of the food.

"Oh we have burgers and pasta salad" My mom said as she started to cut the stuff for the burgers. My dad put them on the fire and started cooking them. Me and Adam just talked as we waited. After 40 minutes we had the burgers done and made to the way we liked them.

"I love cooking food on the fire." I say as i took a bite of my bacon burger, Adam nodded in agreement. After we finished we burned all of the stuff and we had to hide it. So we put dirt over it so it can mask the smell so no animals come here at night.

"Me and Adam are going to take a walk." I say as me and him walk off with a flashlight. After a hour we decided to head back because it was getting late. So we walked back and decided that we would go to sleep. We got in the tent and got unchanged and changed into pj's I crawled in the sleeping bag with Adam crawling in after. I rested my head on his chest as a pillow and started to drift to sleep. The next day I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking on the fire. Adam was still asleep, snoring softly making me giggle. I got out of his grip and unzipped the tent and put on my shoes and walked over to the warm fire. I sat in my chair that was already out and of course it was next to my sister. She sat in her chair next to the fire trying to warm up.

"Wheres Adam?" My sister asked me.

"He is still asleep. Why don't you go wake him up?" I giggle. She nodded her head and ran over to the tent and unzipped it and jumped on top of him, making me laugh as i watch it. I got up and looked in the tent seeing Adam glaring at me, he looked at my sister and smiled.

"Thanks for waking me up, i should be up should be up shouldnt I?" He asked making her nod her head. He ruffled her hair and got up picking her up and setting her out of the tent. He put on his shoes and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around.

"Thanks for waking me up" He growled into my era making me shiver. I felt his hand come in contact with my ass making me squeak and blush beet red.

"A-Adam!" I squeaked again, making him chuckle at me. He unwrapped his arms from me and walked over to his chair and sat down. I sighed and walked over to my chair and sat down and glared at him. My sister following the both of us. He chuckled and shook his head and leaned down and kissed me.

"Ewww" I heard my sister say watching us. I chuckled and smiled in the kiss as we pulled away.

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