Chapter 21:truth

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Taylor stuck by Nik's side as the witch prepared for the spell. She was quick with it and she was thankful for that. Elijah had separated himself from everyone and stood on the side. She knew there was a battle with raging inside his head. He was a prideful man who kept his word so if the test came out and said Haley was not carrying the child he may just snap.

Haley on the other hand sat in a chair rubbing her stomach. Everyone could see just how nervous she was and it basically solitude the fact that she was indeed playing them for fools.

"I'm ready" the witch lit some candles and started to chant a spell while everyone was watched.

No one said a word and just watched as the blood did not mix together "the he child is not your "

Smirking Taylor crossed her arms and looked at the now panicked Haley

"I can explain-"

"You played us as fools." Elijah vamp sped infront of Haley "we trusted you, I trusted you even over my own mate and this is how you repay me. By lying and using us" Elijah was furious glaring down at the woman in front of him while Taylor simply hugged Nik who seemed sad but hid it well.

"The truth is out now so what will it be. Are you going to be with our mate or not" Nik pulled Taylor behind him. Neither one of them knew what was going through Elijah head at the moment yet they both hoped for the best

"She is our mate, I was wrong to go against her and for that I am sorry and will spend my life making it up to you" Taylor smiled at his words. Somehow she had begun to trust both her mates throughout all her fighting. They never truly gave up on her even if they did doubt her some.

"Well then as mush as I dislike Haley her child is innocent so what are you going to do" She looked at Haley who was now backing up in fear

"Please it won't my idea, it was all the witches" She was by now panicking and glancing around for an escape.

Taylor knew that look all to well. The look of a caged animal about to go rabid. She honestly felt bad for her " she was doing what was best for her child we should let her go"

By the looks she was receiving she knew her mates was confused "she didn't do too much damage plus she's pregnant, we should let her go" Haley didn't waste anytime and ran out of the compound.

"Your forgiving her" Nik grabbed a drink off the table while giving her a look

"You guys are the ones who didn't want me to turn into a monster " rolling her eyes she took a seat"plus the look in her eyes reminded me of my childhood, she should have a second chance, if not for her then her child"

Smirking she gave Elijah a look "and you owe me a date, this one was ruined" it was playful teasing, one that hopefully avoided any questions of her childhood for now

"Of course Taylor, anything to gain your forgiveness " Elijah gave her a small smile of his own. He was not going to push her and neither was Nik not after what just happened. They did know how that behind all that tough girl act was someone who forgave easily and had a heart of gold. They knew they would cherish her because of it. They didn't was it tainted not even by them

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