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٭ Chapter 6, a chance ٭

⚠︎ Warnings ⚠︎
Serious injury
Gore. A lot of blood.
Mentions of assaults
Fallacy still not here

[ Encre's POV ]

   Everything was dark again. But, I could open my eyes. Trot was no longer there, and there was so much blood. My tears weren't blocking my vision anymore.

   I reached out my uninjured arm and pulled myself towards the staircase. I tried using my other arm, but it was too painful, so I just used my left one.

   Getting to the staircase, I tried carefully going down the steps, but after the second stair, I couldn't keep myself balanced.

   I closed my eyes tightly as I fell. It hurt. My injuries were already bad enough. This made them much worse.

   I held my breath for a moment, it made my chest hurt less. I took a deep breath, needing it after holding my breath for so long.

   I began dragging myself into the direction of the door. Hopefully it isn't locked.

   It took a few minutes, but I made it. I made it to the door. I reached up for the door knob. 

   It took a few tries, but eventually I grasped it and pulled it down, the door falling open as well.

   It was dark outside... Shit. That means Jasper is hope alone.. No he has Mollie. They also could have gone into the forest. Probably not.. 

   The alarm is going off. That means I might run into Fallacy, or maybe one of those vampires from the forest. Songe! Oh, he'll probably be at the house with Jasper.

   I easily pulled myself onto the ground from the one step to the door. I listed my head as much as I could and looked around.

   A moment passed, there was no one there, but then I saw Cruzar walking around. I thought for a moment before deciding he might be able to help.

   "Cr-uza-r!" I yelled, I saw him turn towards me, as well as a familiar green eyelight. Macabre is there too!

   "Encre?" Macabre asked, the two walking over, and squinting to see me. Right, I'm probably covered in blood.

   "He-lp-" I said, reaching my good hand out to them. "Were you attacked by a vampire?" Cruzar asked, lifting me up from the floor.

   "No- I w-as at-ta-cked- by- a v-illa-ger-" I said, my voice cracked and broken. 

   "One of your own kind attacked you? What for? And how aren't you dead? You have a large crack in you head and you're bleeding a lot." Macabre questioned.

   I took a deep breath, "I di-d die-.. R-eap-er ga-ve me a-nother- chan-ce.. an-d he a-ttack-ed m-e bec-ause- I am- hom-ose-xual-" I answered.

   "Now- plea-se, ta-ke me t-o the- gua-rd st-ation-" I said, no longer able to move, I had gone limp.

   "And you expect us to get caught?" Macabre pointed out. "No- Just- put m-e dow-n an-d kno-ck.." I said, closing my eyes.

   "Fine, but only because I asked Songe about you, and you weren't lying." Macabre said. Cruzar carried me while Macabre led the way.

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