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٭ Chapter  3,  vampired return ٭

[ Encre POV ]

June 19th, xxxx

   Jasper's ten now, he goes to a normal school, and I still visit mine and Fallacy's spot at the lake every night, I also take Jasper and Mollie with me.

   Jasper knows he's a vampire, knows what happened to his father, and sometimes he hates him for leaving.. But that doesn't stop him from coming with me to meet him.

   I get less commissions than I used to, which means I make less money. Sometimes I only have enough to feed Jasper, and sometimes I have to resort to blood for him.

   Deccy went missing.. no one knows what happened..

   "Papa! Je suis rentré!" I heard Jasper yell from the door, pulling me from my thoughts. Mollie ran over to Jasper in excitement. I had been making something for him to eat. I had enough for two more sandwiches.

   He walked into the kitchen, "Tiens, je suis désolé, il n'y a eu que des sandwichs pour la semaine.." I apologized giving him the sandwich.

   "Ne sois pas désolé Papa. Tu fais les meilleurs sandwichs de toute façon!" He told me, making me smile. Then we ate our food, and brushed our teeth. I also made sure to refill Mollie's food bowl.

   "D'accord. J'ai une commission à finir, ensuite nous pourrons faire d'autres courses, et nous serons de retour à temps pour notre promenade. Alors va te changer de ton uniforme." I told him, he ran off to change while I grabbed our cloaks.

   While I waited, I finished the clothing that was commissioned to me, It was two large coats, a small coat, and matching cloaks, for the royal family.

   Jasper walked back into the Livingroom and I gave him his cloak, I had already put mine on. I went to our room and grabbed Mollie's leash, she ran around me excitedly. 

   "Mollie, assis!" I said, she sat down wagging her tail while I attached her leash to her lavender colored collar.

   When we were both ready we began walking to the lake. No one is usually out around this time, so we had no problems going into the forest.

   When we got there, we sat down on the edge of the water, I let go of Mollie's leash to let her play. "Papa, j'entends quelque chose.." Jasper whispered to me.

   I got up and pulled Jasper closer to me, grabbing Mollie too. "Hello?" I spoke, hoping it was just a small animal.

   And I saw a very familiar skeleton, there seemed to be a butler of sorts behind him that looks like how Fallacy described Suave. Mollie was ecstatic to see Deccy, easily getting out of my grub and running off to him.

   "Deccy? Suave?" I said, there was a confused look on Jasper's face. Suave seemed slightly confused on how I knew his name. Until he saw Jasper, then he put 2 and 2 together.

   "Deccy! You've been missing for 9 years!" I said, "Hahah- Yea, I've been travelling with Suave." He responded, blushing a faint yellow as he gave Mollie the most if his attention.

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