{7.9} 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚃𝚘 𝚆𝚒𝚗 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 2

Start from the beginning

"Just like the dinner rush back at Biggerson's. And everybody's loving the Turducken." Bobby Says

Gray goo bubbles out from the sandwich.
"I think you pissed off my sandwich." More goo bubbles out. "That -- that's in me?" Dean Says

"O-only half of it." Sam Says

"Does that snot look familiar?" Elena Asks

"Okay, so whatever turned Gerry Browder into a pumpkin head... and is currently turning Dean into an idiot—" Sam Says

"I'm right here. Right here." Dean Says

"Is in the Turducken Slammer at Biggerson's." Bobby Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"It's in the meat." Elena Says

"If I wasn't so chilled out right now, I would puke." Dean Says


"How's he doing?" Sam Asks

Bobby's is in the driver's seat and Sam in the passenger seat of a vehicle. Dean is in the back seat, asleep on Elena's lap who's asleep as well.

"He's sleeping it off. Tryptophan coma." Bobby Says

"So, you think he's okay?" Sam Asks

"Yeah, he's all right." Bobby Says

"Good. So you don't worry about him?" Sam Asks

"What do you mean? Before the Turducken?" Bobby Says

"Yeah. Yeah, I kind of mean more like, uh... more like ever since my head broke... and we lost Cas. I mean, you ever feel like he's -- he's going through the same motions but he's not the same Dean, you know?" Sam Says

"How could he be." Bobby Says

"Right, yeah, but what if—" Sam Says

"What if what, Sam? You know, you worry about him. All he does is worry about you. Who's left to live their own life here? The two of you -- aren't you full up just playing Snuffleupagus with the Devil all the live long." Bobby Says

"I don't know, Bobby. Seeing Lucifer's fine with me." Sam Says

"Come again?" Bobby Says

"Look, I'm not saying it's fun. I mean, to be honest with you, I-I kind of see it as the best-case scenario. I mean..." He presses the hand he injured. "At least all my crazy's under one umbrella, you know? I kind of know what I'm dealing with. A lot of people got it worse." Sam Says

"You always were one deep little son of a bitch." Bobby Says

"Wait, wait, wait. Here we go." Sam Says

A delivery truck is backing up to the Biggerson's receiving entrance. The Truck Driver gets out of the truck and wheels cartons from the truck into the restaurant, then gets back into the truck and drives away. The truck reads "MIDWEST MEAT AND POULTRY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION."

"Well, I guess we follow him." Bobby Says


A Woman is walking to her car. She screams as Brandon runs out from some trees and tackles her to the ground. A car pulls up and a Man visible only from the chest down gets out, walks over to Brandon and knocks him away from the Woman.


The Midwest Meat truck pulls up to the warehouse and parks. Sam, Bobby, Elena and Dean are watching from their vehicle. Sam has binoculars.

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