The Beauty and The Damned

Start from the beginning

He handed her a sealed letter. Selene took it delicately without taking her eyes off Balan.

"-If I were you, I would open it in a quiet place."

She nodded and wasted no time. She locked herself in her dressing room and did not bother to sit down. She took off her shoes and fell to the floor, then hurried to open the precious letter. She couldn't help but smell it. That sweet, seductive scent... No doubt the author of the letter was Lance.

She smiled at this thought and finally decided to read the contents:

"To my dear and tender Princess,

I have heard of your recent progress and it fills me with happiness just to think of it. I am so happy to see you now so blooming when not so long ago you were distraught.
We both know that your departure is near. So, would you agree to one last dance with me? Why not dance Swan Lake together? I'm sure you'd love it.

There are so many things I would like to share with you Selene...

A Negati will come to pick you up and bring you to me.

I look forward to you."

She clutched the letter to her heart. She wanted only one thing: to dance again with her Maestro. And for the occasion she was going to make herself beautiful again, just for him.

Selene put on a lavender dress. This one was flared and very light to wear, perfect for dancing. Backstage, where all the costumes and other accessories were stored, she took a pair of white pumps decorated with flowers and butterflies.

She untied her hair completely. She hadn't forgotten what the Maestro had told her about it. She touched up her makeup, which she wanted to be as natural as ever.
Little Swan was ready.

She brushed her ribbon, pensive. She had no idea how this evening was going to go. To tell the truth, she was getting a little anxious. But she was also looking forward to joining Lance. It was probably the last time they would see each other.

She bit her lip just thinking about it. But she immediately put it into perspective. She would get through this. It was Lance who worried her the most.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a small, almost inaudible cry.

The little Negati was there.



In the heart of a labyrinth filled with flowers shining with a thousand fires under a starry sky of a pure blue, Lance waited under a flowered kiosk which was in the center of this green puzzle. He had specially chosen this place because it was intimate and dreamy.
The Wonderworld was full of such places, which the Visitors had never found before.

The tunes of the little music box that his sweetheart had given him relaxed him in the face of the anguish that lurked in front of him. He had sworn to confess his love, or he would never forgive himself. Still it was necessary to find the good moment.

All he wished was to spend his last moments of peace and happiness with her. A soft breeze rose and swept the long silver hair of this melancholic Maestro. The wind was fresh, which was pleasant.

However, a question nagged at him. Would she take it well? Balan had told him that yes, but this cursed small voice tried to certify him the opposite. Finally, he had nothing more to lose.

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now