The most beautiful to go dancing

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Selene was nervously dusting the seats of her stage, preoccupied by the stream of thoughts that was accumulating in her head.

The costumes watched her silently, amazed. She was mumbling incomprehensible phrases, although they thought they heard a few "Idiot!" or "What was I thinking?

Castafiore cleared her throat trying to make herself heard, but the ballerina continued to ruminate. Then the lady cleared her throat again, more loudly this time.

The girl looked up with her face crimson red and full of confusion.

-Is everything okay, honey?" Castafiore worried.

The ballerina answered her by stammering and big incomprehensible hand movements and went towards her dressing room while continuing to mumble.

When the singer was about to join her, Plumy Pirouette stopped her:

" -Let alone, I'll take care of it."

And before the other costumes could react, Plumy took Maestro with her and leapt to their friend's dressing room. The composer was in a state, he did not wish to disturb Selene, who looked like she needed to calm down.

"-Listen Maestro, I know you prefer to stay away, but you can be a great help to me!"

The little Swan knocked three playful knocks on the door and entered without giving Selene time to answer.

She was sitting in front of a mirror with her head in her arms staring at herself, distraught.

In a small voice Maestro approached her:

"-Selene, are you sure you feel okay?
-I just have this weird feeling that I've been feeling for a while and I can't put my finger on why.
-Is that it?" Plumy inquired.

The young woman began to stamp her feet frantically, as if taken by a sudden stress.

" -If only that was all!"

The two costumes looked at each other, questioning, while Selene handed them a letter, now unsealed.

"-Please, read it and you will understand..."

"My dearest Selene,
I can't thank you enough for taking care of me, even today, just thinking about it makes me feel very emotional.
I hope I didn't worry you so much, I assure you that I am much better now.
You may not realize it, but you have done so much for me since you have been here, both directly and indirectly. So I would like to thank you in a worthy manner.

Tell me Princess, would you have the honor to give me your hand for a waltz?
I will wait for you at the entrance of your stage.
Of course you can refuse.

I am more than eager to see you shine again."

"-Selene it's a date!" exclaimed Plumy, handing the letter to Maestro, who also rushed to read it.

Selene thought she would choke.

"Plumy, I don't know if this is a good idea.
-I hope you're kidding! No resident has had the chance to have this little privilege with one of the Maestros. Especially since Lance is really charming, a real Prince..." She sighed dreamily.

"-It was not you who was totally against that I meet him...?
-Let's say that Castafiore and you... Well, you made us understand that we were wrong.
-Well, Nutcraker didn't change his mind. Added Maestro, handing the letter back to the young woman.

"But I agree with Plumy, you have to go to that rendezvous.
-You still haven't understood that you don't leave him indifferent?"

Maestro nodded as Selene threw lightning bolts at them.

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu