The Beauty and The Damned

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When Selene returned to her stage, she felt light...very light. She did a few pirouettes, showing that she was elsewhere.

She was pulled out of her reverie by exclamatory shouts from the center of her stage.

As she reached the source of the shouts in silence, she noticed that all the Cast-Members seemed to be gathered around something...

"-No...Of someone."

She approached and Nutcracker, who was the first to notice her, pulled her towards the group.

" -Ah here you are! We were wondering what you were doing!
-I was with Balan and Lance..."

The wooden puppet assumed a solemn posture and cleared his throat.

"-Soldier Nutcracker, 1st of the Name reporting!"

The ballerina could not help but laugh.

"-I'm listening, my friend.
-The ghostly figure that prowled these parts is no more!"

Selene arched an eyebrow. Nutcracker took a step to the side, and so they looked at each other, without a word.

A new Costume was born.

The first thing that struck the girl, was the almost exact resemblance it had with her music box...The one she had given to Lance.

" -Well, it took you long enough, my darling!" Retorted the music box, falsely annoyed.

She gesticulated her left arm...Well her conductor's baton, in all directions and then with her other hand, mimed a fan.

" -I thought I would never appear, ah! Women I swear."

Selene was mute in the face of this new companion.

" -Don't you even wonder who I am?
-Uh well... Who are you?
-Open wide your little eyes!"

She blew her a kiss with her hand.

"-Orchestrina is my name, lovely little music box that I am, I am the very embodiment of your desperate love that you have been dreaming of having for years."

She winked.

"-So my presence here means everything."

Selene's mind snapped. Was this simple gift the famous "trigger" that had been mentioned earlier?

Orchestrina chuckled.

"-And if you don't want the maestro, I'll gladly take him. What an attractive man, a true Prince Charming." She flickered her eyes.

"-And it's a pity, we won't even have time to get to know each other better, your departure is more than counted now."

Selene's throat tightened. She didn't really need this reminder.

" -It will be fine Orchestrina, thank you." Castafiore interrupted her.

The little music box sighed, took a bow and slipped away.

" -Well, what a charming little musical box! Not bad Selene, not bad!"

The young woman turned around and saw Balan, all smiles, hand behind his back.

"-I heard the latest news and I'm glad, oh yes I'm all happy about it!"

She blushed, embarrassed.

" -What do you want Balan, something serious happened? "

He laughed out loud and readjusted his top hat.

"-On the contrary my dear, I am simply a messenger come to convey the torments of an enamored man."

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now