Is he okay ?

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The "days" or rather the time that passed seemed to last an eternity for Selene. Ever since her meeting with the Maestro, whose name the whole of Wonderworld trembled at the thought of uttering, she had been waiting patiently for his return.

But Lance did not return.

So the Ballerina continued to dance without much interest. Sometimes Balan came to see her, but she didn't dare speak of her encounter with Lance.

The costumes were trying to help her with Swan Lake. She had to admit that they managed to give her some valuable advice:

"You should drop the innocent and pure side...
-Yes, you have to be a great seductress!
-As if you want to monopolize your partner."

Given that her -temporary- partner was Lance, she felt even more anxious about playing what she was not, what's more to a Maestro.

In short, Selene was doing nothing.

So one day, she decided to leave her stage of her own accord and went to the heart of the Wonderworld, the place where she had found herself for the very first time.

She was to have some semblance of a conversation with Balan.

The Maestro in chief did not hesitate, as soon as she stepped into the great hall, Balan was behind her as if he had been waiting for her for hours.

"-Selene, my beautiful, what a pleasure to see you here! To what do I owe this visit, milady?"

She clutched a lock of her hair, looking around.

"-I'd like to chat with you...
-Is everything all right?"

She gasped and gave him a big smile:

"-Oh, yes of course!"

Balan shrugged and held out his hand to her, an invitation to follow him to a place more conducive to discussion.

He hurriedly served the tea and settled back at a table for two. Still with that big, petty smile, he rested his elbows on the table so that he could hold his head.

"-Dearest I am all yours, tell me what moves you."

The ballerina was hesitant, fearing the reaction of Balan. But it was too late to back down.

"-I met Lance, not long ago."

The Maestro closed his eyes, a serious look veiling his smile.

"-It had to happen.

He sighed and looked away.

"-It's true that I kind of pushed him to meet you.
-Why did you do that? Didn't he want to at first?
-It's a little more complicated than that...I can't talk about it, only Lance can."

She lowered her head.

"-Is it because he's tired? Is he sick?"

She had unintentionally raised her voice at the end of her sentence. But she couldn't help it, surely she was worrying too much about the others, something she didn't do anymore before landing in the Wonderworld. But to know that someone was in trouble and not be able to help them, she hated that.

Balan couldn't see it and even if he wanted to he couldn't say anything, he had promised his colleague.

"-He works too much is all." Had he lied.

He took the opportunity to divert the conversation.

" -Aside from that how did it go? "

He found his petty and teasing smile, while his friend told him briefly what had happened.

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora