A world of creatures [] 3

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We get introduced to a girl named Mary who is a ghost who died as a young child, we also get introduced to Julia, her friend who is a bunny plushy. We also get to meet Vera who is an alien who was unsuccessful in an invasion and ended up in the urban community, we also meet "散花"(pronounced: Chiruka), who is a single head with a string around their neck. We also get introduced to Ka who is an eyeball with a monster hand, and "the eye" who is the supposed 'leader'.
Mary is given a mission to go into another dimension and to destroy it, along with bringing something that is most special to the people she bred friends, or in this case countries.

Mary wakes up, regretting to agree on going on this mission
I don't remember what happened, I open my eyes and slowly get up, putting my hand on my head, it throbs and screams, I put both of my hands on my head like I'm covering my hears to stop hearing Vesa's nonsense. I pick up Julia and wipe the dust off her, I ask if she's ok and she just hugs my arm. I look around my surroundings and see that I'm in a town, and ahead of me is a city. I look to my left to see houses, there's people inside and the lights are on, houses are on both sides. But I see a lake to my right.
I get up and hear a honk behind me, I turn around and see a car about to hit me, I could have just moved but I wanted to have fun first so I stayed on the road and the car swerved around and "hit me". I lay dead, Julia falling out of my hands, making it seem that whoever hit me probably killed me. But the problem with that is that I'm already dead.
The creature came out of the car, blood running down their head, the creature's face looked like a flag, an unfamiliar flag I've never seen, maybe I knew what country it was, but I didn't know what flag. I closed my eyes and played dead while the creature runs towards me, I can feel their hands oh my cheek and checking a pulse, I don't have one. The creature freaks out and two other creatures emerge from the vehicle running to the creature checking my pulse, I quietly and quickly whisper to Julia that if they pick her up to act like the stuffed animal she is. She didn't give me a signal but I think she got it.
The other creature picks up Julia and examines it. I peak one eye open and squint looking at the creatures, one holding Julia, another panicked, and the creature checking my pulse.
"INDO CALL 911 ARE YOU STUPID!?" A creature with a flag combo of red white, yellow and blue screamed, their flag looks similar to the American flag but instead of stars it's a moon with a star in it. That's also when I learned the creature checking my pulse was named "Indo", not a creative name but I'll take it.
"WELL I DON'T HAVE MY PHONE WITH ME WHY DON'T YOU CALL THEM!?" I'm guessing that was 'Indo' who yelled at the other creature.
"YOUR BOTH ASSHOLES IM CALLING THE POLICE.." a creature with the color combo of Red, white blue and a tint of yellow had said, they took out a 'phone' and started Dialing a number.
The creature kept talking to the police which I tuned out from, I felt someone pick me up, I guessed it was 'Indo'.
"My name!? P-Philippines..." that's when I learned the creature calling the police was named "Philippines".
That's when it hit me.
This must have been the world of  "Countryhumans" the eye was talking about. The creature- I mean country, checking my pulse was 'Indo' which I'm guessing is short for 'Indonesia'. I now know 'Philippines' is the name of the country calling the police, and the country holding Julia was maybe 'Malaysia' I could be wrong tho.
Next thing I know I actually pass out, closing my eyes, maybe it's because of how bad my head hurt at the landing..
* * *
I wake up,
My head hurts,
I wanna go back to sleep,
But I don't,
I wake up in a white room, I'm wearing a robe with strings and wired implanted on my head and in my arm, I look at the heart monitor which shows I don't have a pulse, I try hard and use what the eye had taught us, it makes you look somewhat human, so that you have human features but you still have your looks and your powers, Julia doesn't need any of that tho, I just have to make sure she doesn't get thrown out, she looks like an old 40 year old doll left in the woods.
I open my eyes and see the heart monitor beeping, I sigh as I hear chatter from outside of the room. I use my non-wired hand and move my hair to one side. I change my expression to scared as if I was a lost child who just got hit by a car.
Three countries come in and more come behind them, the country who called 911 runs up to me and puts her hands on my cheeks. "OH MY GOODNESS YOUR OK I THOUGH INDO HAD KILLED YOU...." The Sunny tri country had told me hugging me in tears, I pretended to have a scared scarred expression. I push her away like she's a stranger who asked me for candy. I grab the covers and cover my face, I start "crying" as if I was terrified that a group of powerful beings were going to slaughter me and sell me on the dark web. The Sunny country backed away from me and covered her mouth with her hand.
A country walks up to me and sits next to me on the bed, the country tries to comfort me patting my back and reassuring that everything's ok and that the only thing that matters is that I'm alive.
I stop 'crying' and look at the country, the country looked similar to 'Indo' but with a moon and 3 stars. I move away from the country, he doesn't come closer to me, he just lets me be. I look around me and realized that Julia was gone. Now I was actually scared, I start looking under the covers, under the pillow and under the bed, I start hyperventilating and that's when the country got scared, everyone else did, someone even called in a lady doctor (she's referring to a nurse btw-). The Red and white country with moon and stars tried to comfort me again, he hugged me and rubbed my back again, reassuring that everything was ok. I've paused and realized that I've never felt this thing I'm feeling,
I feel..
Cared about.....
I hug the country back and start actually sobbing, I wasn't acting, I lost a friend, a sister, a companion, someone who protects me from the monster under my bed, the thing by brother gave to me for my 3rd birthday before I killed him.
The lady doctor comes in and order everyone out, I grab the sleeve of the two colored country with a moon and a star and asked the lady doctor if they could stay. The lady doctor pauses and nods, the country comes back and sits down next to me again, this thing of a creature brought back memories that I would never feel again, it was comforting having the country around.
The lady doctor asks me whats wrong since someone said I started hyperventilating and crying. I stay quiet and didn't do anything except hold on to the sleeve of the country that was comforting. The lady doctor sighs and tells me that if she's going to help me she would need to know what was going on, I kept quiet. In fact I didn't speak at all to anyone, except cry but I don't think that counts as talking. The lady doctor then leaves and comes back with a pencil and paper, and asks if I could at least write it down. I hesitate but eventually agree and start writing on the white piece of paper. I show it to the comforting country first, then I give it to the lady doctor. I wiped my tears as she read my paper,
"I'm sorry but I don't think I've seen a stuffed bunny..."
I look at the comforting country and they shrug, saying that they agree with the lady doctor.
My eyes look at the covers and I start tearing up again, knowing I failed my community and my friends by loosing a close friend and an important member to
our community. I try and wipe my tears away but more kept coming, the lady nurse says something to the comforting country and walks on her way. I hugged the comforting country and they hugged me back, trying to comfort me for the third time, that's when I realized he was probably getting tired of comforting a child who's crying over a lost stuffed animal.
I stopped hugging the country and wiped my tears with the blanket.
The other countries came back and asked what happened, the country who was with me on the bed explained that I lost something and how I described it as a 'cyan blue bunny with stitches and buttoned eyes. The countries looked at one another and started murmuring, that's when the yellow mooned country took something out of a bag, and I saw Julia, one of her ears looked like it was going to fall off, and I know that must have hurt her very much.
I start reaching my arms out to the country 'Malaysia', he hesitated and the gave Julia to me, I hug her like an old friend I haven't seen in years. I look at her ear and held her in my hand.
"I can fix her up for you!" A yellow country said, I look up at the country wiping the tears away, their country consists of A blank yellow background with a black and a white line, and on it was a red symbol.
I nod my head as a thank you. The Lady doctor comes in again and says that I can be let out because all my heath scores were done and they said I was healthy.
I eventually yawn as a signal I'm tired. The comforting country picked me up and at this point I was about to daze off, I was put in a car in the backseat and I was too tired, I hold Julia close to me and close my eyes. Everything tuned black around me.
I just hope this didn't actually happen.
Please let this be a dream..
This was supposed to be longer but I thought it was getting too
long so I cut it short and I'm using the rest for the next chapter-
and no the MalPhilIndo squad didn't go to jail don't worry-
A reminder that I gave up on my triangles book but I will try
and update it-
Anyway welcome to a new book I will definitely finish,
This book is inspired by another book called
"New home" by @EdgyQueen31
Ty for the inspiration✨✨✨
Anyway enjoy this book while I get more ideas,
This is Raini signing off to catch my motivation,
Terima kasih and Selamat tinggal! <3

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