She's in hell now [] 2

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⚠️!WARNING: Mentions of blood, gore, Suicide and depression, please skip this chapter and move on to chapter 3 if you are uncomfortable with any of this stuff. I will give a brief explanation in that chapter for those of you uncomfortable with these topics, thank you and stay safe. See you in the next chapter!⚠️

She looked at me with blank eyes, literally,
3:00, PHANTOM LINE [] The over under cult
The cult is playing game and having fun while others are working on a murder spree plan.
"Ka please stop trying to grab Julia it's very rude,"

I grab Ka and put it on a table,

"she has feelings too, and she really appreciates it of you would stop annoying her,"
Ka made a big fuss using random movements, it grabbed a pencil and started writing to which it said, 'she's just a toy, and I killed more people than her,' I didn't say anything, Julia jumped out from my hand and started kicking Ka, I still didn't do anything,
"Maryyy don't just stand there...."
I turn around and see an alien person, who's my height but their thousands of years old,
"I'd rather not get into a fight that could have easily been avoided.."
The alien creature picked up Julia and put her in a cage,
"That should get you out of trouble"
Julia stated to make angry noises that made them laugh, the alien creature whipped their tear away and kept teasing Julia, which made the bunny mad even more, it started to make noises that sound like death threats, although no one believed her because she was always unsuccessful of killing someone, I told the Alien creature to stop bullying her and they stopped, they told me to quit being a "party pooper," they told me that it was "English slang". I took Julia out of her cage and she started making angry noises again, she jumped out of my arms and ran towards the alien creature that had bullied her earlier, the creature screamed and threw Julia across the room. I gasped and ran to the other side while the Creature started laughing, you know what I'm just going to call them by their real name.
I grabbed Julia and she had a rip on one of her ears, I look at Navesa and they denied saying it was Julia's fault for getting hurt and how she just can't let things go, of course I was mad but I didn't really do or say anything, after all Vesa is capable of killing people who are already dead and putting them in a loop of never ending torture and horror.
I look at them and they look back at me, it was an odd experience but I stopped, which caused both of us to look away. They turn back to the creature they were talking to and I just petted Julia like an animal, well, she technically is an animal, just a stuffed one with a lot of stitches and red blood sometimes coming out of her buttoned eyes. The creature that Vesa was talking too is named "散花"(pronounced: Chiruka), Which means "Scattered petals", or, "falling petals", which is a metaphor of death in the Japanese culture. She died of a suicide after killing her siblings cold blooded, or that's how the story went, it is said after she hung herself she cut her neck from her body, and she was never able to recover the body of her's.
Vesa arrived here after trying to invade Europe but soon had to retreat, it is unknown if they died, but rumors say they stalk family's often and then kidnap one person from that family, then wipe the memory of anyone who knew the person.
I arrived here after- "MARY YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO!!!"
I look over and see Vesa waving at me and pointing to a giant eye with white dots in the pupils, we both walk up to the eye and it starts to close it, giving us captions above itself.
"You are required to go into this world,
Bring back something that is special to each creature you meet and befriend"
"Be careful"
"And don't be a traitor,"
I nodded at what the eye said,
The subtitles disappeared and so did the eye,
I look at Vesa and they just shrugged at me and looked at Julia.
Suddenly a white light appeared and we all stepped back as it suddenly turned into some kind of portal.
We all stood there and watched, some were in awe, others where scared, some people had no reaction at all.
I hugged Julia as close to me as I could and waited for the portal to suck me up into this mysterious world. Nothing happened so I opened my eyes, in front of me was a portal that faded from a light purple to a dark purple, and then black. I watched as the swirls grew into a hypnotic phase, I kept following the repeated loop until Vesa snapped me out of my gaze.
"Earth to Mary, hello? Mary?"
I look at her and let go of Julia because she was starting to kick me, I look at Vesa and apologize, they look at me and smile, they put their arm around me and their other arm showing the portal, they started to explain to me how cool it was I got to go in another dimension, since not a lot of creatures were getting assigned to go to other universes, except for Vesa because that's their job.
Everyone starts to look at me like their expecting a speech or me just jumping into the portal.
Julia runs and jumps into my hands as we both wave goodbye to our friends, we walk into the portal and then everything went dark.
"Wait where am I going again?"
Again I gave up on my triangles book but I will try and update-
Anyway welcome to a new book I will definitely finish,
This book is inspired by another book called
"New home" by @EdgyQueen31
Ty for the inspiration✨✨✨
Anyway enjoy this book while I get more ideas,
This is Raini signing off to catch my motivation,
Merci and au revoir! <3

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