Hobbs: alright listen up the team were after are professional runners. They like speed and guaranteed to go down the hardest possible way; so make sure you gotta your funderwear on. When we find them we take um as a team and we bring um back and above all else, we don't ever ever let them get into the cars. Crime scene is 10 hours and counting men lets go hunting. One I need a translator, Elena Neves

why we many more experienced people

Hobbs: I like her smile

what's the second thing?

Hobbs: stay the fuck of my way
(he gets in the truck)

back at Rio
Carly, Mia, Brian, and Dom, were looking at the car. Carly tilted her head towards Mia and said
tell him

Mia: Brian

Brian: hm

Mia: there's something I have to tell you

Vince: god damn what a mess

Carly: where have you been?

Vince chuckles

Vince: you better check that tone

Brian chimes in and Carly stays quiet

Brian: you just better answer the god damn question

Mia: stop it

Carly: both of you.

Carly pulls Vince away

Dom: where were you, Vince?

Vince: guys were all over the Fivilla. I couldn't get out of there without leading them straight to you. Had to wait them out

Brian: that is such horse crap; that was your Job and those were your guys

Dom: enough O'Connor if he said he didn't do it he didn't do it, go walk it off.

Brian walked away Mia went after him. Carly walked away. It was bedtime and Carly, Mia, Dom, and Brian were asleep

Rio Romance Book 1 Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now