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The dollhouse

When I came to consciousness I could feel my body being rocked back and forth as the sound of a car coming to a slow stop crunched across gravel somewhere beneath me. The car turned off. A door opened, then a gush of air hit my face as my door opened and large arms encased me. The soft cushions of the seats were no longer there. Instead, it was replaced by a harsh light hitting my face.

I must have squinted because a deep voice started taking to me after some sort of fabric was placed over my face.

"I'm sorry for the harsh sun sweetheart."

The sound of the door closing made me jump. I felt hands grasp my waist tight, cradling me into their warm chest. Whoever was holding me was strong. It had to be a man, I just knew it was a man.

A few steps more the man took.

Soon, the sun was shielded from me as my body was gently placed on the floor. The door behind us locked. Before I could open my mouth the sheet covering me was torn off my head and thrown across the room. I rubbed my eyes, quickly trying to adjust to the new lighting.

When I opened my eyes I was shocked to see 3 girls standing in front of me with thier backs against the wall. Then, a large hand was placed on my shoulders. My mind was reeling as too what was happening and now I wish I would have stayed asleep.

"Girls, this is alaia. She's the newest member so make sure to treat her well." The man said. Curiously, I turned around and looked up at a very handsome face. Piercing, jade green eyes stared at the girls in front of him before looking down at me. I felt my breath hitch. His brown curls were messy but so neat at the same time. He had chiseled features and olive toned skin.

I felt his ringed fingers gently caress my cheek and he looked down at me fondly.

"Hi! I'm Ali." A voice said, pulling me from my trance. A girl with short brown waves stood in front of me. She looked older than the other two, probably only a few years my age. She had a warm smile.

I watched her hand, nervously shaking it. She nodded at the man behind me before stepping back to introduce me to the other two girls which had yet to move. One had blonde hair that was in a braid and honey brown eyes, a lot like mine. She was short. Her dress was the next thing I noticed because it was dirty. It went down to her knees which were scraped up.

I had an uneasy feeling settle into my stomach at the sight.

"This is Clara. She's the youngest, she doesn't talk much but it looks like neither do you." Ali said without emotion. I nodded.

The other was then introduced to me but my mind had blurred at that point. I had a pounding headache. My hands stayed at my sides and questions started to soar through my head. Whilst Ali was talking I took an Opportunity to look around the rest of the room. It was bland with very little details. It didn't feel the least but homey.

A black leather couch was pushed against the wall closest to me. It had a wool blanket folded neatly over the top, two pillows on each side, and a painting of a waterfall above it. A tv stand was in front on a coffee table. I couldn't see an inch of dirt on it. The man must clean a lot.

"Sweetheart, say hello to everyone." The voice said in my ear again. He was talking to me.

"H-hello." I squeaked.

The girls nervously nodded at me and waited for the man behind me to give them their next instructions. I stood underneath his death grip on my shoulders, feeling awkward in the tense silence. The room was so quite you could hear a pin drop. The girls avoided eye contact with the man behind me and instead kept it at me. Every one was on edge, and I wondered why.

My eyes drifted over to see a room connected to the one I was in. I could see a fridge but that was all. That must be the kitchen.

"Ali, why don't you show our new girl around to her room, Mhm?" The man said. His hands finally released my shoulders and I felt his presence step back. I heard a click of a lock from the door behind me.

That was when I knew, I was never getting out of here.

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