Chapter 7 - The Confession

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Adrien eventually found Marinette in an empty classroom.
"Marinette?" He called out, Marinette sighed, "Are you okay?" She nodded, "Then why'd you take off like that?" Marinette looked as thought she wanted to cower into her jacket pocket.
"I don't want to tell you." She murmered, Adrien took a seat beside her.
"Because I don't want to."
"Should've seen that one coming." He mumbled.
"Is this about Bunnix?" He asked, it seemed as thought it was but he couldn't figure out why, they hadn't seen Bunnix in months.
"Yeah." Marinette said quietly, "What about Bunnix?" Marinette took a deep breath before sitting up straight and saying, "I guess I have to tell you something."
Marinette had been dreading this from the moment she used her miraculous ladybug to fix everything, she didn't want to admit it.
Every part of her brain was telling her not to do it but she had to.

"A few weeks ago," She said, "Bunnix came to me saying something had happened that had seriously affected the future." Adrien looked nothing short of puzzled but didn't speak, "She took me to this messed up future, it was apocalyptic." Adrien's eyes went wide as if that future were the one they were headed towards.
"Because of an akuma, and I fought the akumatized person," She couldn't bring herself to say villian, Chat blanc may have been a villian but Marinette couldn't stand saying it, "The persons name was chat blanc." she said, Adrien looked far more confused than before, in fact, he looked concerned, scared.
"It was... me?" Marinette nodded,  she threw her head into her hands.
"You got akumatized, I don't know why." She admitted, the only thing chat blanc had said was that it was her fault, that their love had done this to the world.
But he never said what caused his akumatization and neither did she.

Marinette recalled that Adrien,  in this alternate timeline, had found out her identity and told someone... she now realised he hadn't told anyone, chat noir found out because Adrien is chat noir! Despite everything she couldn't believe how she hadn't seen it!
Marinette straightened up and continued.
"You found out my identity, you-" She stopped herself, "he knew my name." Adrien had about a million thoughts swirling in his mind, what had his akumatized self done? Why had he been akumatized? How had an identity reveal set him down that path?
He cleared and throat and went to speak, but he had no idea what to say, he stayed silent and looked around the cold and empty classroom before he looked back at Marinette.

"What did I- did he do?" Marinette took a deep breath, "Everybody was underwater turned to stone." She said simply, Adrien completely froze, he had killed people? Not just people everybody.
"I- killed them?" He asked, Marinette took a pause before silently nodding and turning away.
"Including you?"
"Yeah, I saw my statue self, it turned to dust when I touched it." Adrien almost lept out of his own skin when he heard that. He had killed Ladybug? He had killed Marinette.
"And who else?" He asked, he didn't want to know and yet he had still asked,
"Hawkmoth." Marinette said with an upset smile, even with everything Hawkmoth had done he didn't deserve death.
Adrien had the same thought, Hawkmoth, now Shadowmoth, had done terrible things but nobody deserved death.
"I can't believe I-"
"YOU didn't," Marinette said sternly, "You weren't yourself."
"That's one way of putting it." Marinette gave a soft chuckle, "You had to fight me?" Marinette nodded, it was the worst fight she'd ever faced, and the most difficult.
"Did I win?" Adrien asked curiously, Marinette grinned, "Nah, but you were close." Adrien pretend to hit the desk beside him, "And here I thought I stood a chance." Marinette giggled, "Yeah right." She said, "It was tough though." She added, Adrien smiled. "So do I get title of hardest to beat bad guy?" He asked, Marinette quickly agreed, "Abseloutly."

Adrien really did seem fine about what he had been told but he wasn't. He couldn't get it out of his head the following weeks, he had killed everybody in Paris, if not the world! He didn't want to tell Marinette though, she didn't seem to view him any differently after having to fight him, albeit it wasn't the first time Ladybug had fought chat noir.
But either way, she didn't fear him, not slightly. The problem was that he feared himself.
Ever since he found that Marinette's Ladybug all he wanted to do was spend time with her, but after hearing what he heard, that he had killed her once, he was anxious everytime he felt sad, everytime she was around, it was torture.

In other news, Marinette had started wearing her hair down, something both Adrien and Alya agreed was a great look for her.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were getting along better than ever and working as a great team. The ever so present dating rumours were well ever so present, but now Ladybug didn't fight against them so hard, she simply laughed them off and smiled, something that made Chat very happy as his crush on ladybug was more present than ever. (and alot more obvious in their civilian self.)
Nino was the first to notice that Adrien had been staring at Marinette an awful lot lately, Adrien didn't try to deny it, in fact he admitted it the second Nino made the comment. Word soon got around to Alya swore not to tell but was awfully giddy at the news, going on about how he really should tell her, something that she made sound a lot less complicated than it really was.
Infact, both Alya and Nino were so ecstatic at the revelation that it seemed to strengthen their own relationship, which Adrien found immesnly funny.

So the next day Alya had arranged to have them all meet up at the park for a picnic, Marinette said she would bake and bring some macaroons to which Adrien said he might have some quality cheese to bring.
Plagg was not pleased with that, until Adrien bought him almost a month's worth of extra camebert, then Plagg seemed much more co-operative.

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