Chapter 1

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titan with a creepy smile about to eat me and kept running. A blond-haired man holding two kids my age ran past me. A boy with blue eyes stared at me as I ran close behind the man holding him. A black-haired girl still looking ahead.

I am now standing at attention, listing to Commandant Shadis yell at people. Finally, the commandant arrived at me.

"Cadet Who Are you!" He screams at me. I salute, with my fist over my heart.

"Isabell smith," I pause for a split second, I don't know where to say I'm from. I travel too much with my dad being in the survey corp. I continue, "From shinganshina Sir," I heard a slight gasp from behind me.

"Why are you here Cadet?!" Commandant bellows at me. Without a moment of contemplation, a say what I've been rehearsing in my head since the attack in shinganshina. "To join the survey Corp and kill titans" His eyes harden as he peers down at me. "You'll make a good titan snack"

A shiver went down my spine as he put his hand on my head turning me around to face the people behind me, moving to the next person. My eyes met with the startling blue eye of the boy in Infront of me. This boy in front of me reminds me so much of the boy from that day. I can see recognition in his gaze. Eventually, it's his turn to be yelled at, I learn his name is Eren.

Later during dinner, I'm sitting alone at a table in the back of the dining hall. I ate my dinner of a small roll and bland stew with small chunks of potatoes. I was thinking about the events of the day. A girl named Sasha was caught eating a potato and was told to run laps until sunset. A boy named Jean was kicked in the crotch by commandant Shadis because he was being cocky.

A voice startles me away from my thoughts.

"Hey!" the blond-haired boy in front of me said with a small smile on his face. Eren and a Black-haired girl are with him.

"I'm Armin, this is Eren and Mikasa," He introduces with a friendly smile pointing to each of his friends. Eren waves. Mikasa gives me a cold stare. Armin and Mikasa sat in front of me, and Eren sat beside me. My solitude is officially over.

"I'm Isabell, what brings you to this solitary table?" I ask with a bored tone. Armin looks nervous now.

"Well, we are all from Shinganshina, so we got to stick together," Eren states matter-of-factly. I mentally groan at the thought. I'm never going to be able to get rid of them.

From then on, we have been inseparable. Begrudgingly on my part.

Chapter 2

Three long hard years of training. I tied to mask my ability to fight and use the ODM gear. Most of the time I was successful. Not successful enough to not make it into the top 10. I made it to number two. I guess it's not that bad since I'm below Mikasa. Finally, it was graduation. We are patrolling on top of the wall, tuning up the cannons, and putting fuel in them.

A large flash of lightning struck the ground outside the wall. A big gust of wind followed, knocking us off the wall. Barely making it, I shot my ODM gear and attached it to the wall. Connie, Sasha, and another guy hung beside me. I looked out at the city. There is a hole in the wall. It is happening again just like before. I leaped up to the top of the wall. Eren is there staring at the spot the light came from.

"The colossal titan, It's gone. Just like before" He whispers. I walk up behind him. Placing my hand on his shoulder I say "Eren we don't have time right now, there has been a breach, we have to regroup and fight it," He turns around quickly. Nodding he zips off to get orders.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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