Chapter 6

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 After Asta defeated Heath, he was showered with praise from the townspeople. To reward him for his efforts, the mayor granted Asta a gemstone. Although Asta refused at first, the man insisted that it would bring him good fortune on his adventures and that he should take it as he would not feel right letting their hero leave without a token of gratitude. After all was said and done, Asta continued on his journey to Hage. Once he arrived the villages residents were elated to see Asta again. He stayed and talked to Father Orsi and Sister Lily until nightfall, having to return to the Clover Kingdom.

Time passed with Asta doing small missions when necessary, though he spent most of his time training. He was currently sparring with. The two had grown close during Asta's time as a magic night. "Flame Magic: Phoenix Shot!" Mereoleona shouted, attempting to get the upper hand. Asta surrounded his hand in fire, taking the form of a blade and slicing it right down the middle. He then rushed at her, using 10 percent of his natural speed as he engaged her in hand-to-hand combat. They both shrouded their fist in flames exchanging blows, "You need to widen your stance and strike without hesitation." Asta said as he kicked Mereoleona away, putting space between the two. Asta was about to fire off an attack from one of his previous lives until he got a flashback of sorts.

In said flashback, he can see someone who closely resembles that of Mael. 'Who are you, and where am I?' Asta thought, trying to project his voice but no sound would come out. However, it was as if the man read his mind as he looked at Asta and said, "In due time Asta, in due time." Asta contemplated on what the man meant but before he got the chance to ask him another question, Asta's consciousness was returned to the battle at hand. No time had passed and Mereoleona had just returned to her feet. But, before she could react Asta called out, "Kyusai no Ya" making sure to hold back as to not brutally injure Mereoleona. An arrow of light then grazed her cheek before it impaled itself into a tree. She was about to rush at Asta when he called of the match because noon was drawing near. Sure, he could control the form when he wasn't occupied but during a fight, but in the midst of battle, his mind is set solely on one thing and one thing only. Victory. Failure was never an option. Nor would it ever occur. In his eyes, he couldn't be brought down; an immovable force of sorts. "Aw man. Just you wait Asta. One of these days I will beat you. Even with your The One form. I have to if I want to become the first ever Wizard Queen," Mereoleona stated with an unwavering resolve. "I can't wait for that day to come but until then, you will have to push yourself to your limits, and I'll be right there with you," Asta said with a smile.

For some reason that Mereoleona couldn't figure out, she couldn't stop herself from blushing. "Well, I'll catch up with you later!" She said while she ran away trying to hide her face from Asta. All he could do was snicker at her antics. From a distance to figures were watching their exchange as they smiled and shared a laugh at how flustered their little sister was. Asta returned to his room and immediately started meditating, trying to re-enter the place he previously was in order to get answers from that mysterious man in hopes of figuring out why he was unable to get into contact with Mael or Escanor. He got nothing. He stayed in the meditative position for an hour or so yet still got nothing. He began to get frustrated, so he decided to let off some steam. As he reached for the doorknob to exit his room, it was pushed open as one of his squad mates named Neighmor. Neighmor was a year older than Asta with very powerful Lava Magic. He was a foot shorter than Asta with long brown hair. "Hey Asta. You've been summoned by the Wizard King." Asta nodded and headed off to the Wizard King's castle.

Asta arrived to see Mereoleona and Aleister standing in front of the Wizard King's office. Aleister was noticeably quieter than usual though Asta paid it no mind. "The wizard king will see you now." Said a small man with blue mushroom shaped hair. He wore a robe so Asta assumed he was important in some way. As they entered the Wizard Kings office, they saw him sitting behind his desk holding and examining a magic stone. Asta noticed that it looked oddly similar to the one he was given weeks ago from the Leader of Sosshi village. He put that thought to the back of his mind as the wizard king had just realized they had entered. Mereoleona and Aleister both took a kneel, showing their loyalty and respect towards the wizard king. Asta remained standing. For this, Aleister was about to attempt to force him down to a knee, the key word being attempt seeing as how the kid was over half his size considering the time of day.

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