Chapter 2

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 Ever since that fateful day, Asta's magic has grown exponentially. Asta found it strange that since then, His body was quite bulky in the mornings, and slender yet toned and muscular at night. He just pushed that thought to the side since he was too busy training, and wanted to gain better control over his magic. Asta has been training with Yuno since they both wanted to become stronger. Asta also wanted to try and cast that spell again but had no luck. He assumed it was a one time thing that he was only able to do because he felt his life was in danger and he would need a grimoire if he wanted to do it again. During his training, Asta realised that he didn't have any ordinary Flame magic. One day when he was out in the forest, something miraculous happened that no one would've ever expected.


"Hey asta. It's starting to get dark. We should head back." Yuno said. "Not yet a little while longer. I'm trying to burn down this tree." Asta had been trying to burn down the tree for the past ten to fifteen minutes but was only able to burn off a few branches. After another minute or two, Asta began to feel as if he was running low on mana, so he told Yuno he would try again tomorrow. As they started to walk away, The sun had finally gone down, and the moon had risen. At that moment, Asta suddenly felt recharged as if his mana had completely restored itself. His body started to shrink down a little while still keeping a muscular build and he was now the same height as Yuno. "Never mind Yuno. You go ahead and I'll catch up later." he said to Yuno as he turned around and prepared to fire another fireball. "Asta, I can't just leave you he-" Yuno started as he was about to respond until Asta shot a fireball at the tree and it burst into flames. Yuno was surprised. Not because he was able to burn down the tree. But because Asta's flames were now a bluish blackish color mixed with a little purple. Asta just snickered as both he and Yuno stared in awe of the flames before Asta fell to a knee.

Flashback End

Years had passed since then and both Yuno and Asta's magic only got stronger over the years. They were both now 15 years old. Asta now stood at 6ft tall. Yuno was 5ft 6in. Asta wears a short coat that ends just above his midsection and black pants with white boots. The coat is red in color with gold at the tips of the sleeves. It has fur around the neck and edges of the coat. With the pants he wears a gold belt with a large belt buckle. Yuno wears a long sleeve black shirt with slacks. 

Imagine this on Asta

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Imagine this on Asta

 Today was the day they got their grimoires and asta, though he didn't show it, was ecstatic

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

 Today was the day they got their grimoires and asta, though he didn't show it, was ecstatic. They had just arrived at the grimoire tower with all the other kids from the church as well as Father Orsi and Sister Lily. When they entered the tower, the atmosphere was tense and the feeling of nervousness was written on everyone's faces. About two minutes later, the master of the tower entered and gave a speech. Once the speech was over, Drouot, as he was now known, comminsed the grimoire selection. On every wall grimoires were flying to their new owners. Some large, some small. Some large, yet really thin, and some small yet really thick.

Asta was amazed at the sight of all the grimoires as they selected their owners. Soon, it was Yuno's turn. Everyone was blinded by a bright green light as a grimoire floated slowly towards Yuno. Once the light faded, Yuno could be seen looking at a four-leaf clover grimoire. Everyone whispered in awe as well as jealousy and some in outright rage. It had only been ten seconds and all of a sudden, two more bright lights shone. They were even brighter than Yuno's grimoire. The lights slowly floated down to Asta and this time, when the lights dimmed, not one, but two four-leaf grimoires can be seen in front of Asta. This time, even more whispers could be heard. "That's impossible!""No way!""Him too?!""Amazing!" Everyone, including the grimoire master was shocked to see that one boy, a commoner no less, held not one but two four-leafed clover grimoires. It was rare to see one in a generation. But they had just seen three different one's pick commoners as their owners.

Before anyone could gather their thoughts, Asta's grimoires started to glow, as they slowly started to float towards one another. Right when they made contact, there was a wave of light blinding everyone except Asta. What he saw that no one else could see was both of his grimoires combining into one. It was as if the grimoires could hear the thoughts of everyone and it knew that he could have more than one. When everyone could see, they looked at the grimoire as it now looked as if it was double sided with a four-leaf clover on both the front and the back. Underneath the clovers were two emblems. On the front, there was a red outline of a lion. On the back, there was a blue outline of a panther.

After shouts of disbelief, Asta and Yuno left the tower and headed back home. As they neared the clearing, Yuno was grabbed by chains that looked to be made out of magic. "What is this?" he asked as he was struggling to get released from the chains. As he was struggling, a slender man stepped out from behind a wall with a sadistic grin plastered on his face. "Who are you?" Yuno asked almost sleepily as he could feel his mana begin to drain at a rapid pace. "I'm the Chain Mage Revchi!" Revchi went on to explain his dilemma and how he was removed from the magic knight squad. Once he was finished He was almost attacked by Asta. Luckily for him, he sensed it and was able to dodge and catch Asta with his chains. "What? Why is my mana draining so fast?" Asta asked, as he was slowly starting to lose focus. "Haha. You fool. My chains drain the mana from any living being they touch. They also drain faster depending on how much mana that being has and it seems you have a shit ton if you're falling asleep so fast."

As he said this, Asta embraced unconsciousness. He woke up in that same dark place he had woken up in all those years ago. He stood to his feet and started to walk in the direction of a white light. Once he reached the light, he saw the same to people from last time. Except this time, they were different. This time, he could see their faces. Asta asked who they were, and they told him. "I am the archangel, Mael." "I am the former Lion Sin of Pride, Escanor." From there, they proceeded to tell their story and how they ended up here. "So I am your reincarnation? It makes sense." Asta said. "Listen Asta. Your rival is in trouble, and he needs your help. We are about to give you the rest of our power and once you awake you will be radiating power just like when you were six. Except this time, you won't be exhausted afterwards. It will only last for a moment." Mael explained. Asta nodded and with this, he awoke. On the outside world, Revchi started to sweat as the temperature was starting to increase. Yuno also started to sweat but unlike Revchi, he knew what was causing it.

Revchi then turned around to see Asta had ripped through his shirt as his muscles grew in size. He also managed to melt off Revchi's chains. You wouldn't notice at first, but if you looked closely you could see that revchi was shaking in fear. "You made a grave mistake choosing to attack us and attempt to steal our grimoires. For this you must face judgement." As Asta said this in his hand you could see what looked like a sun in his hand. It was no larger than a baseball. At this sight, Revchi let go of Yuno in an attempt to escape. He soon realized he was cornered. He then turned towards Asta and did the only thing he could think of to keep his life. He tried to defend himself. He failed greatly. Whenever Revchi would use his chains to attack, they would melt once they got within a foot of Asta. Asta was slowly making his way towards Revchi. "No. S-stay back! D-don't come any CLOSER!!" "Sun!" Asta said as he thrust the miniature sun into Revchi's stomach. The attack sent Revchi flying away. After a few seconds, Asta began to shrink down to his original size. 'So my one minute's up eh?' Asta though. He walked up to Yuno to make sure he wasn't hurt. He shook his head no and they started walking back to the church. But not before giving each other a fist bump and proclaiming that they'd become the Wizard King

Thank you all for being patient with me while I was handling a few things. I was able to get this chapter published a little earlier than expected. Now, for those of you wondering, this ship is Asta x Mereoleona. I'm switching her age with leopold's. Until next time!!!

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