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There's nothing.

No texts.

No calls.


For days.

It's not as though Kyungsoo was expecting anything from Chanyeol, considering Kyungsoo left him. He feels a little silly, really. The sliver of hope blossoming in his heart whenever his phone buzzes is quickly followed by the drop of his stomach when he realises that perhaps Chanyeol isn't going to contact him at all.

He also understands that the tables have turned. The ball is now firmly in Chanyeol's court and Kyungsoo would feel like a burden after everything he's done if he contacted Chanyeol out of the blue. He wishes that perhaps Chanyeol would attempt to score a basket and send Kyungsoo a damn text or something, just to let him know he's alive.

But ...


Kyungsoo doesn't really know what to feel other than a little heartbroken. To be fair, he knew everything wasn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows, but he's never felt this way about someone before. His life is too quiet without Chanyeol. There's no one texting him random memes found on the internet. There's no one calling him at midnight when he can't sleep and there's no one ... holding his hand.

He thinks of Chanyeol's lips on his, how right that felt and how he wishes he could turn back time and not see Chanyeol with Jongin.

He wishes he could turn back time to the very first day they agreed to this whole contract and say no, instead.

Either way, he feels lost.


Bundled up in his warm winter jacket, Kyungsoo turns the corner into his cul-de-sac. He's spent the entire morning studying for his test at the library, eventually giving up when his head was pounding from the artificial light. It's high noon outside, there's not a cloud in sky and the winter sun is beating down onto the road so he has absolutely no excuse for not looking where he's going.

However, as Kyungsoo begins to cross the old and weathered road toward his house, he ends up stepping in a rather large and deep puddle, soaking the bottom of his jeans completely. He groans out loud, curses to the sky and adjusts his large, plaid scarf to make the last few, hopefully puddle-free steps home to change. This day really can't get any worse.

He's about to cross his garden when he hears a door open. He inwardly sighs, he knows that sound anywhere. He's really not in the mood to talk. All he wants is to get into the warmth of his home and cozy up underneath a thick, fluffy blanket.

"Kyungsoo!" a voice calls.

Kyungsoo sighs and looks up from his feet to see Junmyeon running rather cautiously down his garden. He stops short of the sidewalk where Kyungsoo currently stands, soaked and fed up. Junmyeon seems to notice his gloomy expression. He drops his usual cheery demeanor, eyebrows furrowing in concern as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Is everything okay, Soo?" Junmyeon asks, reaching out to rub his hand up and down Kyungsoo's arm comfortingly. Kyungsoo thinks that a few months ago this would have made his heart soar, his pulse quicken and his cheeks flush.

Now, it only makes him feel a bit sad.

He nods half-heartedly because he really does not need this right now. He makes a beeline for his own house without saying goodbye to Junmyeon, but Junmyeon's hand grips onto his arm, making him stop mid-step.

FROM, DO KYUNGSOO | ChansooWhere stories live. Discover now