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Kyungsoo keeps all the letters he's ever written to his crushes in a box on the very top shelf of his room. One letter for every boy he's ever loved, five in total, with the intention of never sending them.

Until one day, they disappear.

Right into the hands of those five boys ...

... and one of them has a rather strange proposition.

A "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" AU.


Dear Junmyeon,

I'm not exactly sure when I fell in love with you. Maybe it was the first day you moved in and I watched you from my bedroom window and laughed when you tripped over your front step. Maybe it was a couple of days after, when you and your mother stopped by to drop off some home-baked cookies. They were really delicious and I've never been able to replicate the recipe even though I've tried a hundred times. I've always been too scared to ask you or your mother for it.

Or maybe it was my tenth birthday? Maybe that's when I fell in love with you. That day you gave me a handmade card with too much pink and blue glitter. The way it said lots of love, your friend Junmyeon so neatly like you really tried with your handwriting and you forced me to stick it to my bedroom wall so it would remind me of you always, even though you were only next door. It's still here somewhere, in a box in my closet. I've never been able to throw it away ... I'm pretty sure it's covered everything in glitter.

Sometimes in the evenings, if I had my window open, I could hear you practicing your lines for the musical you were in. You have a really great singing voice, Junmyeon, maybe you should double major in business and musical theatre studies.

But then you started dating my cousin.

Hyewon is head over heels for you, she talks about you all the time when she's over here visiting and although I wish it were me, I'm happy for her. I'm happy for you too, Junmyeon. Seeing that light in your eyes whenever you see her fills me with both happiness and sadness. It's a strange feeling and I wouldn't ever wish it on anyone else. It's kind of like I'm in limbo ... like I'm not sure how to feel so I just ... exist. So plain and simple and just kind of ... there, whenever I'm around you both.

So I'm writing this letter. Not that you'll ever receive it. I'm ready to move on. When that'll be ... I don't know. But I'm ready. You were my biggest crush, Kim Junmyeon, and I've loved you since I was ten. Or maybe even before then.


Do Kyungsoo


The light in Kyungsoo's bedroom is eerie, ghost-like, and unnerving. He really needs to replace the bulb and not rely on his phone's light at night, but he kinda likes it when the sun sets and the warm, orange glow peers through his blinds. It makes him feel like he's in some kind of vintage movie, or one of those over-dramatic romantic movies where the protagonist sits in front of a rainy window, sombre music playing in the background as they contemplate their life.

FROM, DO KYUNGSOO | ChansooWhere stories live. Discover now