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Dear Chanyeol,

Your ears are too big for your head. And you have big, bug eyes. And you never shut up.

You're always talking about something and I can never keep up. Whether it's about your ferrets or your homework, the weird looking worm you found in your garden the other day, or the television program we watched together but you still feel the need to explain to me anyway.

You're annoying.

But I like it. I like you.

I've never done this before. Written a letter, I mean. But I've never really felt this way either. This overwhelming urge to be around you all the time regardless of how irritating you can be. Being around you makes me so happy, you give off this vibe that I'm sure others feel too.

I've never really liked anyone the way I like you.

It's slowly consuming me, becoming overwhelming, hitting that point today where I can't take it anymore. Today, when those kids called me weird and you stood in front of me and defended me. Today, when you walked me home and asked me if I was okay. Today, when you hugged me goodbye and called me your best friend. I didn't want that hug to end.

Because I like you.

I like how annoying you are. I like your big ears and big bug eyes, they're endearing and suit you. I like how you never shut up, how you always want to talk about every little detail of your day. How you always know when I'm drifting off during television shows so you explain them to me afterwards. You know me more than anyone, Chanyeol. I'm not an easy person to talk to and you made it your mission to become my friend.

We're best friends, Chanyeol. I can't feel like this when you're my best friend, because I'm sure you're like this with everyone else. Kind, generous, and funny. You make people feel special.

So, this is what this letter is.

My confession.

Hopefully, by writing this all down, I'll come to terms with my feelings and I'll keep seeing you as my best friend instead of wishing for something more. That feeling, the one that has been lingering, running through my veins, tingling whenever you're near. It feels disgustingly cliché to write all of these movie-romance lines down, about how whenever I close my eyes all I can see is you. But it's true, and I hate it. This isn't me. I don't get like this.

Not that you'll ever read this. I'm sure to you I am still the weird kid who scowls at people. Who, for some reason, you find hilarious even when I'm not.

Don't ever change, Chanyeol.

You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen, even with your Yoda ears and strange bug eyes.

And you are perfect just the way you are.

(Although, I know I'll never hear the end of it if I say this to your face. Your ego is inflated enough.)


Do Kyungsoo

Kyungsoo has never really felt jealous before. Not like this, anyway.

It's a weird feeling. Wanting something that someone else has. He's envious and he's angry that he's envious, therefore making him upset at how angry at himself he is. His emotions are all over the place, he can't stop thinking about that night for a multitude of reasons and ... he doesn't know what to do.

FROM, DO KYUNGSOO | ChansooWhere stories live. Discover now