(Diana) first time sleeping next to her and first date

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First time sleep next to her:
Diana had been tutoring you in her dorm for a few hours and it was getting pretty late. you were tired so instead of going back to your dorm you asked Diana if you could stay the night, Diana didn't want you sleeping on the couch and you didn't want Diana to sleep on the couch either so you two just decided to share the bed, I mean you two had been dating for a few months by then so...

First date:
Your first date was a very nice one, you went out for food at a high end restaurant, then walked down to the beach to look at the star's for a bit and then you two had to stop a monster that someone had let out by "accident". A few days later you had found out that it was Akko and Amanda that had let the monster out because they were trying to help, the other four of their two groups had tried to stop them but had accidentally helped in letting the monster out.

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