Chapter Twenty-Three

Magsimula sa umpisa

"You fucking cheated on her!?" Sapnap exclaims his body becoming rigid. 

Dream eyes leave mine and glares at Sapnap. Sapnap just stares back at him neither one of them talking.

 I get up off the couch to leave. I don't want to be here anymore. 

"Sit down y/n" Dream demands.

 "If you're just going to interrogate me about why I never told you. You are never going to get an answer" I pause, looking straight at Dream. "I don't owe you an explanation for my decisions." I state then turn around walking out of his office, shutting the door behind me. 

After the door shuts I hear a moment of silence then I hear the couch scrap against the floor followed by Sapnap yelling "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" 

I don't linger around for their argument because, to be honest I could care less and I go straight towards my room. They can yell at each other all they want but I don't want to be in the middle of it. 

I go to my room and plop on my bed, the soft blankets cushioning my fall. I let out a deep breath. Them knowing is going to make my whole life a little harder than it already is. I pull out my new phone from my back pocket and open it. There is one person I need to talk to right now. I go to my contacts and click on my mom. I bring the phone to my ear and the dial tone rings once. 

"Y/N I SWEAR TO GOD YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD REASON YOU DIDN'T CALL LAST NIGHT OR I WILL KILL YOU!" my mom screams into the phone. I Cringe at her volume pulling the phone away from my ear. 

"I'm sorry mom I ran into a little bit of trouble and forgot" I apologize.


"Mom, can you please stop shouting?" I ask, my head starting to hurt due to her volume. 

"What made you so busy that you ignore your mother?" She continues lecturing me. 

"Mom I was in a car crash" I blurt out just wanting her to stop lecturing me. I love her to death but that woman doesn't know how to listen when she's worried. My other line goes quiet. "Mom?" I question looking at my phone to see if I lost signal. 

"Are you okay? 

Why didn't you tell me? 

How did this happen?

 Who was it?

 Are you hurt?

 Where are you?" she rambles out in all one breath.

"I'm fine mom, just some bruises and a small concussion. A rival gang figured out about Dream and I's engagement and they're targeting me." I explain to my now listening mother. 

"That doesn't explain why you didn't call me, you could have died!" she exclaims. 

"I know, I know my phone got crushed and we were focused on getting me checked out and then they gave me pain meds and I was a little loopy" I explain to my mom. 

"Do you need me to come over and take care of you?" she asks. concerned laces in her voice. She is so amazing I love her.

 "No, I'm okay mom, but thank you. I'll be seeing you in a few days" I tell her.

 "I'm glad your okay baby" she says softly.

 I smile at the voice of my mom. 

She's my safe space.

 There was a long silence. All I can hear is my mom's soft breaths coming through the phone. I find it comforting.

 "They found out I'm Medea" I spit out of the blue, interrupting the peaceful silence. 

"What?" she asks confused.

 "Dream and his Friend Sapnap found out I'm an assassin" I breathe. 

"Oh I'm sorry honey, what are you going to do?" she asks quietly.

 I let out a deep breath. "I have no idea... I can't kill them. I'm marrying Dream and Sapnap is.." I pause trying to find the right word without exposing him.

 "Well respected?" my mom tried to fill in the blanks.

 I nod "Yeah, well respected" figuring that is the best way to describe it. 

"It was probably for the better" my mom says to me. 

"I know I just didn't want them to know. I don't want them to ask questions" I admit. 

My mom knows about what they did to me at the academy. She was the one that lay with me when I woke up screaming from the nightmares. She was the one soothing my hair and whispering sweet nothing as I try to come back to current reality. 

"Are you okay honey?" she asks genuinely. 

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Yeah I'll be okay" I whisper looking up at the white ceiling.

 "I'll be okay"

A/N: Today is my birthday so happy birthday to me I guess. I hope you enjoyed the chapter it was kind of pushed because I wanted to get one out today. If you haven't joined the discord I encourage you to do so. If you need the link let me know and ill send it to you. Don't forget to vote and comment! -QC

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