Chapter Twenty-Three

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What the hell do I do?

 Do I answer it?

 Do I pretend that it isn't ringing?

No one outside of my family knows that I'm an assassin and I planned to keep it that way. 

Both Dream and Sapnap eyes go towards me. My face stays blank letting the phone ring in my pocket. They would be dumb if they can't put two and two together. Dream dial tone stops and so does my phone. The message machine started going off on Dream's phone till he hangs up.

Dream leans back on his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. He doesn't say a word. His eyes not leaving my figure. His gaze making me uncomfortable. 

I shift My gaze to Sapnap who has a small proud smile on his face. They both are staring at me. The atmosphere in the room can be cut with a knife with how tense it is. Dream eyes me up and down then a smirk comes to his face.

 "That makes the knives more explainable. I thought you were just a psychopath" Sapnap says, interrupting the awkward silence. 

"If you tell any one I will fucking kill you" I say in all seriousness.

 I don't need people knowing who I am. 

"So you're the famous Medea" Dream speaks, a bitterness to his tone. I just give him a tight lip smile and jumped over the couch sitting next to Sapnap. 

"Would you believe me if I said no?" I ask. Dream doesn't respond.

 "No fucking way I thought you were a man" Sapnap says turning towards me. I roll my eyes

"they all do" I say annoyed. 

"Who else knows?" Dream asks coldly. I look up to see Dream emerald eyes staring at me.

"Only my family and Alyssa" I pause, looking down at the hard wood floor. "And now you guys" I mutter. 

"Why didn't your father tell me?" Dream ask me. I shrug "there are a lot of things you don't know about me including that I was my father's little money maker" I say bitterly. Dream looks at me intensely like I'm a whole new person. 

"So you're the one person I could never beat" Sapnap whines. I shake my head and laugh at the humor he brings to the tense situation. "Where did you train?" Sapnap asks. I stay quiet and keep my face straight. 

"Now that is for me to know and you to never find out" I say to Sapnap. I really don't want these two men to hear my sob story and I really don't want to relive it more than I have to. Sapnap gets the hint to stop asking about it and looks towards Dream eyes not leaving me. 

We sit in a very awkward silence. Dream looking at me, not changing his gaze to anywhere else. "When were you going to tell me?" Dream asks his voice cold. 

He is pissed.

 "I wasn't" I admit truthfully.

 Dream jaw ticks and his eyes narrow at me. "So you never were going to tell me that your a fucking assassin let alone Medea" he says to me his voice rising in anger. 

Is he really going to get mad at me for not telling him while for the past week and a half we have just been arguing?

"I'm not required to tell you anything. I'm my own person. I'm sure you have secrets to'' I argue Dream eyes seem to darken.

"You were never going to tell me?" he snaps.

"No, for the past week or so you have treated me like dirt on the bottom of your shoes. We argued all the time and you also decided to fuck one of your whores when I was in the room right next to you. So sorry for not planning to tell you. Your track record hasn't been to great." I rant.

Marry Me Not- Mafia Dream X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum