I nodded. "They kne-knew where I-I was."

"They knew?" I nodded again. "And they didn't tell the police?" I shook my head. "They just told people you were dead!?"

I whimpered as he got louder. "Th-they sol-sold-d me t-to th-them."

"WHAT!?" I covered my ears, whimpered and let out distressed pheromones at his yelling."I'm sorry, Denks. I didn't mean to yell. C'mere." He held me into his chest and released calming pheromones, causing my body to relax.

"Excuse me, ma'am. You have the wrong person. My mate is very anxious. He has family issues and gets upset at the mention of his mother. Even though you were talking about a different woman, it set off his anxiety. Have a nice day."

Toshi pulled me away and the three of us got into the elevator. When the doors closed and it was only us, he sat me on the floor. "Are you alright, Denks?"

"I-I've been push-pushing my par-parents t-to the back- I've been avoiding the thought of them for y-years. I wasn't ready to con-confront that."

"I'm so sorry. Nobody should have parents like that. I'm gonna have Papa talk to her. We're gonna get your parents the punishment they deserve."


"Promise. Let's go see these friends of yours."

The elevator doors and we walked to the waiting area. We saw Hizashi and walked over to him.

"Hey Papa. Denki's ready to go see some friends."

"C'mon. Izuku Midoriya is in this room here. Holly Kirishima is two doors down to the left and Tamaki Amajiki is the next door after hers."

"Thank you. Go on in Denki. I'll be in soon. Just give me a quick moment to talk to Papa."

I walked in slowly to see that familiar tuft of green curls. Tears sprung to my eyes. I kept going until I was at the edge of the bed. Zuku had wires and stuff all around him.


His eyes opened and he squinted at me for a moment before his eyes widened. "Denki!?"

"Zuku!" I fell to the floor and sobbed into the mattress next to him. I had one arm thrown across his waist and the other was holding one of his hands. His other hand was running through my hair. "I missed you."

The door opened and somebody walked in. I turned, thinking it was Toshi but it was a nurse.

"Hello dear. I'm here to help Izuku."

"Can you help me sit up please? I also wanna move over so he can sit up here with me."
"I can sit you up but I don't think I can do that."

"Please!? Until a few days ago we haven't been separated from each other for more than fifteen minutes since we were eight years old."

She sighed. "I guess. But you have to be careful." She did as he asked and I crawled up on the bed with him. She turned to me. "Your friend is very lucky the police got him to us when they did. If they had waited another day or two, he could've died."

She left the room and I looked at Zuku. "What's she talking about?"

"Spin-spinner. He cut me up pretty good. He c-came into the cuts, then threw me ba-back in the ro-room. It's infected pret-pretty bad."

"Cuts, cu-cum, and dirt? Gross, no won-wonder it got infect-infected. Usually he at lea-least cleans it up."

"Yeah. He cut- he carved up my entire ba-back."

"I'm glad you're okay though."

"Me too. Have you se-seen Holly or Tamaki ye-yet?"
"No, I wanted to see you first. They're just down the hall though."

The door opened and Hitoshi walked in. Zuku whimpered and hid his face in my chest. I wrapped my arm protectively around him and growled at Toshi.

He stopped and looked at me. "Did you just growl at me? Denks, what's wrong."

"Away. No scarey my Zuku."

"Oh right. The alpha thing. Hi Izuku. I'm Hitoshi. I promise I won't hurt you. I'm Denki's fated mate. My Papa led the mission to rescue you and your friends. You know Keigo?" Zuku nodded into my chest and I sent the message along to Toshi. "Well I've known him since I was really little. I promise I will not hurt you. I'll just sit here in the corner. Is that alright?"

Zuku gave no response.

"Toshi, can you maybe go to the waiting room, he's really scared right now."

"Of course. I'll see you later." He left and I gently nudged Zuku.

"He's gone. It's just us." He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "He's really nice, I promise. He protected me. Multiple times."

"I don't know, I just... I don't know."

"It's okay. I was really scared of Aizawa at first. I think I warmed up to Toshi quickly because he's my fated mate and his scent is really relaxing. Then he showed me that other people were ok too. I'm really grateful for their family. If Aizawa hadn't helped me, I probably would've gotten preg-pregnant. I ran away and I was terrified. I went into a he-heat a few minutes after bumping into Aizawa."

"H-how do you kno-know he did-didn't take advantage of you whi-while you we-were- while you were out of i-it?""He didn't. He's mated. Hizashi, his mate, helped me cool off and gave me clothes."

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