Twenty four

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Sam's in the shower before we go out, he's humming and sort of singing something. It's familiar, it sounds like the song he refuses to sing. So far all I've heard from him on it is "i love". I wish he'd play it for me.

"Alreet love" he says walking into the room with wet hair and just a towel round his waist. Oh lord.

I think i might pass out.

"Get dressed" i reply and walk over to him. "I will in a minute" he replies grabbing hold of me, "sam get off me you're wet" i reply laughing and pulling myself away. "You are too now" he replies sarcastically, proud of his behaviour. He's not wrong but he is not thinking about that statement how i am.

I go into the bathroom to shower after him, i adore him, the more i think about it the more i want to just kiss his stupid mouth until he can't breathe.

Is that normal or like bordering a bit twisted?

"Where are we going?" I ask Sam as we're leaving the house, "pub with everyone like always" he replies smirking. "Its cold can't we go home" i groan at him, "do you REALLY want to go home?" He asks coming to a full stop. "No" i mutter back sulkily, "okay come on" he says pulling my hand gently.

We get there and there's an unfamiliar man there, in shields everyone knows each other but we don't know that man. None of us recognise him.

We all get our booze in, and a water for Ola. God knows how she'll cope without her Prosecco and white wine for 9 months. She got laughed at when she first ordered them here. I can see why, we're in fucking shields, that and they both taste like piss.

Not that i know how piss tastes but if i had to make an assumption they're how id describe it.

"He wants you to sing" i whisper to Sam flicking my eyes in the direction of the man at the bar. "Shut it" he snaps back before he assumes we're talking about him. "Excuse me mate, this is Sam and he's a cracking singer and musician generally, do you want to hear him sing?" I ask the man. I can feel Sam nip me gently to make a point. Point being you're a massive twat but i love you anyway.

"Why not?" The man replies turning round on his bar stool to face us. Sam glares at me.

"Come on princess show time" i tell him dragging him to where the stage that isn't really a stage but its seen as one is. His guitar is here because he forgot to take it home after college the other day. Perfect.

"What am i even meant to sing?" He whispers stressfully at the side of me, "sing your favourite of your songs, then you don't have to worry about people comparing you to the original, i know you're terrified of that" i tell him stroking his hand gently, "you're the only person who's ever heard those" he replies smirking slightly but anxiously. "Exactly so if anything i have more to worry about here, what if someone ends up being a bigger fan of you than i am?" I ask looking up at his pretty eyes. "Doubt that" he snaps back holding my fingers in his hand, "good, you're my Sam so I don't want any obsessive fan girls to outdo my obsessive fan girling" i tell him squeezing his hand slightly.

"Go on go sing, I'm literally gonna be a meter away at most" i tell him and go sit down. "Looking cosy" Cam says sarcastically as i sit down, "im comforting him, he's nervous shut up" i snap back. "Oh i bet you comfort each other frequently" he replies suggestively. "Have you done it" he asks when i glare at him, "no and either way how is that anything to do with you, shouldn't you be worrying about how you might need to pay child support?" I snap back.

Low blow from me but i want him to shut up so i can listen Sam play and sing. It never gets old.

He plays the first parts of the song and i instantly recognise it. The one he refuses to play.

"You know I'll be down here waiting"
"Make us run our mouths
but we never say anything"
"And i love it when you call me lover"
"Ooh lover"

Have you ever loved an hated someone simultaneously?

I love him because, well the obvious. But i hate him because I'm nearly in tears in our local, id never live such a thing down.

As soon as he's finished playing he smiles at me and walks off, everyone in the pub shut up and listened and clapped and cheered when he was done.

"Im sorry" he says smiling wiping my eyes subtly as possible, "im gonna kill you" i reply hugging him.

"Outside" i demand dragging him with me, "okay" sam agrees following me willingly.

"Is not saying you're like obsessed with me its about" i start waffling looking up at him, "it's about you india" he replies smirking at me. Before he can say anything else i wrap my arms around him and kiss just under his chin, thats as far as i can reach unless he dips his head. How embarrassing for me.

"I never thought you'd think anything of me calling you that" i mutter into his chest, "course i did like, you never call anyone else it and the way you say it with your accent is cute" he replies and flicks my nose. "What I'm getting from all this is you fancy me" i say sarcastically, "something like that" he replies lowering his hands from my waist to my hips. With no intention of stopping.

"Sorry to interrupt, Sam is it?" The man from earlier asks. "Aye" sam replies politely but frustrated at the disruption, he hides it but i can tell. "Owain Davies, are you wanting a career in music" he asks Sam not breaking eye contact. "Wouldn't mind it like but its hardly like going studying a trade at college and getting an apprenticeship" sam replies sighing slightly.

"I want to sign you, I'm a producer manager".

Sams face, and mine too id imagine, is an absolute picture. I essentially just bullied Sam Fender into a career. Im sorry and you're welcome Sam i suppose.

TWO PEOPLE//Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now