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"Here" sam says pulling the jumper off and handing me it.

Don't look at the naked torso. Don't look at the naked torso. Don't look at the naked torso. Don't look at the naked torso. Don't look at the naked torso. Don't look at the naked torso.

I looked.

"Well i was gonna leave while you change but whatever works mate" Sam says as i pull my T-shirt off to replace it with his jumper. "It's fine, it's only you, and i have a bra on so its fine" i reply pulling it down. "If there's enough material there to call it that" he mutters smirking at his phone. "THERE IS" i argue hands on hips. I need to convince myself there is because i paid embarrassing money for the amount of material involved. "Whatever you say inds" he replies briefly looking up at me. "I hate you" i mutter back sulkily, "give me my jumper and go home then" he replies sticking his tongue into his cheek waiting for my reaction. "You'd miss me if i did" i argue taking a biscuit from the packet he stashed on his drawers.

"Help yourself" he says sarcastically, "don't worry lover i plan on it" i reply walking over to him.

"Move your hands" i demand, "no" he replies keeping them rested on his stomach holding his phone. "Sammm" i whine stomping my foot like a child "i want to sit with you". Sam laughs at me "yeah am i stopping you mate?" He asks smugly. "YES" i whisper shout back. "Fuck me man what do you want?" He asks throwing his head back and rolling his eyes. Kinda looks how I'd imagine him to look if i was- ANYWAY.

I climb onto his legs sat between them with my head on his chest in his bed. Sam sighs and wraps his arms round me, "you're fuckin annoying you mate" he tells me stroking my back. "Do you love me?" I ask him, "obviously" he mutters back. "Exactly shut up then" i say closing my eyes now I'm comfy. "Dickhead" he replies flicking my hip, "titface" i mumble back.

"Can i touch you hair?" I ask him looking up at the fluffy mound on his head. He says nothing but tilts his head down for me. "It's really soft" i mutter under my breath running my hands through it. "It feels fuckin shite it needs washing" he argues. Just as he says that some of his hair gets caught in my bracelet and pulls his hair.

We both lock eyes with each other as it happens. Which isn't exactly weird because we always have eye contact but it's different because Sam doesn't break eye contact with me until I've untangled it.

Which again I'm fine with, but it's just different because eye contact with him doesn't scare me like eye contact usually does. With Aaron it always meant something bad was gonna happen because of what i did or said, it feels safe with Sam.

I'm not saying me and Sam have the relationship me and Aaron did, we're friends, but that's not the point.

"I didn't mean to do that" i whisper, "divvent worry bout it" he replies smiling at me. "Don't give me that look" i tell him pointing my finger at him, "what look?" He asks widening his eyes. "That one" i snap back. "Why?" He asks as the left side of his fave turns up to a small smile. "Because it makes me want to punch you" i lie glaring at him. "Yeah? 'Punch' is that what we're going with aye?" He replies squinting at me. Wow i hate him.

"Go to sleep" he tells me pushing my face which i assume is red down to his chest, "night" i mutter through a yawn, "goodnight inds" he yawns back, "goodnight lover" i say quietly. I didn't realise we were saying it properly or i would've first time.

I call him lover out of habit, not because I'm madly in love with him. It was a one time sarcastic thing but it just sort of accidentally stuck.

When i wake up Sam is still asleep underneath me. "Are you awake yet" a woman whispers sticking her head round the door, "sorry love I didn't know you were here" she tells me with a guilty look.

I'm assuming this is his mum. "It's okay, are you Sams mum?"i ask as i stand up. Mainly to prove I'm dressed and haven't been shagging her son. "I am, shirley, are you india?" She replies quietly. "I am" i tell her smiling. She knows who i am?

"It's cold in here, do you want to come downstairs for a cuppa?" She asks me, i nod and follow her.

"Not to be nebby but are you two a thing?" She asks from across the table. "No we're just very close, as you can probably tell" i reply slightly embarrassed tucking my hair behind my ear. "Okay" she doesn't believe me at all. "Well IF that changes, just be careful with him and patient, everything with me and his dad he probably needs time to learn how to love in a relationship way". I must look confused because she adds "he'll explain it all to you in his own time" with a small smile.

Okay well now I'm just worried about him so thanks.

"Why wasn't I invited to the coffee morning?" He asks walking into the room. "You were still asleep" i reply sipping my coffee. "Are you jealous because i was spending time with your friend" she asks him. He sighs and ignores her.

"You hungry inds?" He asks while stretching. Definitely am now.

"I think so" i reply smiling at him, "pancakes?" Wow i love him.

"Yes please" i say quietly admiring him, "great well i hope you know how to make them because I don't have a fuckin clue mate" he replies all giggly. "You're such a muppet" i tell him shaking my head and walking over to him.

"Don't burn us house down please, i have work I'll see you later love, nice to meet you india" his mum says handing sam her used cup before hugging both of us and leaving. What a cute woman.

"I need to talk to you" i say resting my hands on his sides, "your mum was on about if we were more than friends and-", "I didn't say anything" he interrupts defensively. "That's not my point, anyway, and she said something about you not being all too familiar with romantic love because of her and your dad, do you want to talk about that?" I continue holding him slightly tighter. He looks away with a sad smile.

"She left me, them dads new bird kicked me out and im back with her, I don't know much else about it i was too young to" he replies still looking away.

"Okay that's okay" i tell him calmly, i can sense he's not nervous but on edge. "If you ever want to speak about it, I'll listen to you lover" i tell him stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"I love ya inds" he whispers half smiling at me, i smile back obviously "i love ya too sam".

TWO PEOPLE//Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now