28.Not gonna lose you like that

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Could you do a Spiderman AU with a female reader, where Camilo saves Y/n? Thank you!

Oh absolutely! I use a lot of references here, for example, Isabela and Luisa's heroes name are https://twitter.com/LalenRasch/status/1480575991609241603 ideas! Please check out and support them!

Pair(s) : Camilo x fem!reader

Warning(s): Slight angst

After checking your watch for the tenth time that evening, you grumble loudly. And that the more you did it, the more frustrated you were. It's not your fault you're acting this way. You have a date with the infamous Madrigal guy, Camilo. The guy is the most charming person you've ever met, and you're quite sure it's in the Madrigals' blood, given how popular his cousins Isabella and Luisa are. Even his sister, Dolores, is a genuine beauty, but she prefers to remain quiet and only showed interest in Mariano.

Your charming date On the other hand, mainly hangs out with Mirabel and a few other boys. Regardless of how gorgeous he is or how talented he is in Sciene, You just do not seem to understand why he refused every girl's confession. You're blessed to be close to Mirabel, since the two of you spend a lot of time together. He's sweet and endearing, and his sloppy behavior around you made you fall hard for him. That's why, when he asked you out on a date the other day while tripping over his words, you stood there for a good 10 seconds before nodding excitedly and letting him hug you in the middle of gymnastics class.

He said he'd take you to the movie at 8, saying it's something he's wanted to see for a long time. You accepted because you wanted to make him happy, although you hadn't seen a movie in a theater in a long time. To put it nicely, you were expecting anything but were forced to wait for an hour in the freezing weather. You tried to contact him, and when there was no response, you were concerned that you had missed your date. But Mirabel stated a while ago that Camilo is looking forward to the date when she wishes you luck.

You sighed again and switched off your phone, thinking about waiting for him for a good 10 minutes and then going home if he didn't show up. However, just as you were trying not to look at your wrist again, a massive explosion was heard across the road. As objects began to fly into your location, everyone around you began to scream and shout. Take refuge behind a wall while your eyes scan the screen of your phone, only to discover the reason: another criminal arrived out of nowhere and began attacking civilians. But a superhero arrives to rescue the day, and you observe the yellow-ish suit hero sprinting after the villain, dodging all the swords hurled at them.

You squint your eyes while staring at the displays; this guy appears to be some kind of commander, as he directs the hoarders to harm people and steal whatever they can get their hands on. Even if the so-called Spiderman appeared to be fast and steady as they quickly trapped the hoarders in their web, the number of soldiers is still too large for them to manage. This universe has grown so accustomed to being assaulted by villains that superheroes have had to stand up and protect people all throughout the planet. You were certain that other heroes, such as Wallbreaker or Blossom Queen, would soon arrive to assist.

But you could definitely notice how the hero struggles all by themselves right now. An help won't be on the way for another while, so you could help them distract the hoarders in some ways. Now, you know the yellow Spiderman would really apreciated it if you just ran out of his way.

But not today. After a few long breaths, you yell at the hoarders with all your strength, instantly gaining their attention:


What you didn't realize was that not only one of the two hoarders turned towards you, but the iconic Spiderman also halted in his tracks to look at you. Though you couldn't hear it because you were too busy racing off, the familiar voice yelled your name out when he saw how his crush guided the hoarders away from him:

Camilo Madrigal x reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now