But even those are nothing compared to a transformation that Blueprint had gained, called the Printstrosity, which is the being-like form of Blueprint. The appearance of this powerful transformation is pretty similar to the Inkmation, Ink's being-like form. The only difference between the both of them is that the Printstrosity's skin color is Prussian Blue, and it has 2 Blue Diamond eyes, though the left eye does have a red circle in it's center, which can have an effect on the eye that is very similar to Dust Sans' eye, meaning that when it glows, it is a purple color. And like Ink, his only attack is the strongest attack, which is the Sphere of Pure Annihilation. And it is the only attack that can match the Orb of Utter Destruction. But the way their effect is are very different from each other. The Orb of Utter Destruction has the power to make a powerful singularity in order to suck the Alternate Universes into a point of Non-Existence, in which they will never return to, which is limited to Hundreds. The Sphere of Pure Annihilation is the same thing in its black hole effect, but the difference is that the attack does not send an Alternate Universe to a point of Non-Existence. And instead, it is actually able to destroy the Alternate Universes, very similar to how Error destroys Universes, but the power is a lot more destructive. And while, Like Ink, he does suffer a similar problem to the mental effects of the transformation, he has far more control over it, due to still maintaining his will, and thankfully for Blueprint, he only used this transformation a couple of times. And that is only when he encounters a large group of Alternate Universes that are trying to go into the Omega Timeline to try and take over it, and he had to use the Sphere of Pure Annihilation in order to destroy the Alternate Universes that are attacking the Omega Timeline, even though the Omega Timeline is supposed to be no longer connected ti the Multiverse. So how they are able to get close to accessing it, he does not know. And luckily, he did not kill a single innocent Alternate Universe with his powers, and always tries to avoid getting them involved with his attack, which would be a very shameful and sickening action if he had allowed some innocent Alternate Universes to be caught into the gravitational field of the Sphere of Pure Annihilation.

But like Ink, he gained a new weapon for him to use, which is a new Pen, which works exactly like Ink's new Paintbrush, meaning that he can change the weight and the length of the Pen. But there is one object that he has kept with him at all times, and that is when it involves Ink's Old Paintbrush. When he and his family fired a triple blaster attack at Ink, he dropped his Old Paintbrush to the ground, which Blueprint decided to keep in order remember his father by. The Old Paintbrush contains Ink's powers over creativity, meaning that anyone that has Ink's Level of Creativity and Skill can fight like Ink. But the problem is that Blueprint is not as skilled as Ink when he uses his Old Paintbrush, but can still do some stuff that Ink Sans can do, such as making paint walls, and doing Black Paint slashes, as well as making an Ink Blaster in order to non-fatally attack people, in case he simply wants to incapacitate them and not kill them. But he also used it for some other stuff, which became very important to him in his later, and now current life. Since the Paintbrush can still access the Omega Timeline, even when it is now disconnected from the Multiverse, he can now make Paint Portals in order to travel in and out of the Omega Timeline, and can even return to it along with some survivors of a Genocide Run. Examples of being when he went to the Dusttrust Timeline, and got Dusttrust Sans, which is a crazed version of his father, and brought him to the Omega Timeline, when Ink himself can no longer do it with his New Paintbrush. Of course, Blueprint has no idea why Ink's Old Paintbrush can access the Omega Timeline when his New Paintbrush can't, even though the New Paintbrush is supposed to be stronger than the Old Paintbrush that Ink had when he was still his usia self, and when he became under the control of the Unnameable. Though he guesses that because Ink had been visiting the Omega Timeline and lived inside it in some cases, the Magical Atmosphere of the Omega Timeline became infused with the Paintbrush's power, allowing anyone that uses it to go in and out of the Omega Timeline, even when disconnected. Of course, he has no idea how true that belief is, but it seems to fit, considering that he could not think of anything else that would explain as to why only Ink's Old Paintbrush can still access the Omega Timeline.

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