2 Years Later

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2 Years...it has been 2 full years, since the evacuation of the denizens of the Multiverse, in order to preserve the Universes that had been consumed/been destroyed. It has been 2 years since Ink had made a deal with an Unnameable, and became a destroyer all on his own, and it has been 2 years, since Blueprint has taken the deal of his Unnameable, and became similar to what his father had become.

These couple of days, it had became a very depressing thing for Blueprint. First, he had to abandoned his own universe, along with his friends and family, in order to be kept safe from Ink Sans, as well as the newer, or rather, older, since they existed for a very long time in secret, and stronger versions of Sans, versions that are said they be so powerful that no one can really defeat them. And unfortunately, Ink Sans had became one of those such categories, because of the fact that Ink Sans having made a deal with an Unnameable. And when he made a deal with the Unnameable, there was no going back into the person that he once was. He had now became something else. He is now no longer a being of sentient will of his own. Now he is simply just a vessel for a being that he can not comprehend in any sort of way. He is now a chaotic being that follows the command of the Unnameable, it's will, and no matter how crazy and genocidal and insane that it's order is, Ink will follow it no matter what, while at the exact same time, forever being able to feel emotions from the new soul that has been given to him. And it has even consumed the different universes in order to make himself much more stronger than ever before. Because of this, he is forever forced and cursed to hear the voice of the Unnameable inside of his head, no matter if he wants to shut it up inside of his mind or not.

But Ink is not the only one that has made himself stronger. Blueprint has also made himself much more stronger, by doing the exact same thing that his own father, Ink, had done, and that is by taking a piece of the Unnameable's soul, and put it inside of himself. But unlike with Ink, the Unnameable's soul is covering the Artificial Soul. And thanks to that? He still maintains his sense of will, while at the exact same time, also being able to hear the voice of the Unnameable inside of his head, though much more clearer. But unlike with Ink's Unnameable, this one genuinely cares for Blueprint and gives him advice and reassurance, as well as comfort in order to keep him from stopping with what he needs to do.

Blueprint, when he gained the soul of the Unnameable, he manage to gain powers that are similar to Ink Sans' own powers, or rather the same as Ink's new powers. But because he has much more abilities than Ink Sans, he is surprisingly much more dangerous compared to him despite being as strong as him. Like Ink Sans, he can manipulate his body, had incredible creativity, gained extremely immense godlike strength in order to overpower anyone else and fight against his own father, and can absorb and devour different people and AUs in order to make himself more stronger, though the thing is that Blueprint only absorbs and debtors AUs that have no life inside, and the only time that he ever eats people is when they are not redeemable and never leave the Omega Timeline alone, or that they are the cause of a genocide and refuses to stop. Because of this, he only devours the genocide kids, such as the genocide versions of Frisk/Chara, if he encounters them. While he admits that he does not like it, if he is going to stand a single chance against Ink Sans, his own father, than he needs to find a way to make sure that he can fight against him on even grounds. Even if it means having to use this set of monstrous abilities that he had obtained from doing the exact same thing that Ink had done.

But since half of Blueprint's heritage is also the one from Underswap, his new soul also made his other attacks much more stronger than ever before. His Blue Magic is now extremely dangerous, being able to kill a Level 20 human in just 3 movements, slamming them everywhere 3 times without effort, and can cause immense pain to those that are stronger than him. The Bone attacks that Blueprint has are now very pointy and extremely sharp, so much that they are even more damaging than the True Knife that Seraphim Chara has, and is able to damage beings that are stronger than him immensely badly. And for those that are weaker than him, it is instant death. His Blueprint Blasters are also monstrously powerful as well, now being able to fire an energy blast that contains a tiny amount of the Unnameable's Power. With this energy blast, he can destroy anything that gets in the firing range of the Blueprint Blaster, and even if they are somehow able to avoid getting hit, the blast has a black home effect that can suck anyone in, and will try to bring them into the blast in order to try and destroy them.

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