Chapter 25 The Old and the New

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"You", was all I could say at the figure in front of me "how did you survive I watched you die I literally made you die I was the actual reason you died" I said as I felt the anger rise. I turned into my diamond form and said to Ash, "We'll buy you time just focus on getting them out of here". I charged towards the one person who I thought I could escape from. The one who caused these scars. The one and only David Frost. I charged up to him and grabbed him by the collar and flew up into the air with him. "Glad to see you miss me my son" the disgusting garbage said to me. "I aren't your son you never had a son, and you aren't my dad" I said as he raised his fist and punched me straight down into the earth. I got back up and screamed his way as I flew right up to him, increasing how bad it damaged him and sent him back. The sonic scream worked until he shot back with a concussive blast. "You added my mutant powers to yourself didn't you" I said as I glared at him. He laughed and said, "I had to level the playing field after all dad's little brat needs to be put down because the little brat had to slightly kill me and made me have to get fixed with cybernetics". I watched as some weird tentacles came out of my father's wrists and came straight for two of the charging mutants when the tentacles wrapped around the mutants it started draining them of their stamina painfully making them weak till they got thrown back onto the robots who electrocuted the mutants to death. "Everyone knows that mutants are a menace to society", my father said with venom in his voice. I growled slightly at him (not like an animal but like an angry growl) and flew straight into him crashing into the ground. He laughed as I picked him up and punched him hard causing him to go flying back into the ground creating a crater. My father got up and ran towards me while I did the same. Our fists collided and caused both of us to go flying back a little bit. I launched fire balls at him, and he made quick work of them by smacking them away while in his diamond form. "Give up brat you don't stand a chance against the man who created you" my father said as he called for robots to come up. Soon three robots came up and started firing at me while my father went towards Kay.

"So, after all these years you were alive, guess I should've kept your mother alive after all. That useless bitch got what was coming to her anyway" he said to her while I smashed the robots together. I grabbed my father and smashed his cybernetics hands "you little brat, you smashed my hands now how am I going to use my abilities" he said as he backhanded me. I summoned my staff and watched as my father grew a staff out of crystal on his arm and snapped it off. "Come at me, my failure of a son", he said as I ran up to him and swung my staff at him only for him to block it with his staff. I spun around whacking him like crazy while he tried to block most of the attacks only to be whacked like crazy. He swung his staff and I caught it snapping it in half with my telekinesis. My father started self-repairing his hands. I watched as those same tentacles came out and danced their way towards me. They wrapped around my waist and started crushing me while bringing me to my father while draining my stamina making me feel incredibly weak "you fool you dare challenge me" my father said. "I challenge you cause you're not even a challenge" I said as I ripped his tentacles off and threw them towards the ground then ripped one side of his face off revealing his robotic face. My father grabbed the side of his face and gasped then shot me into the ground with a strong electric blast. I tried to crawl away when he stabbed me in the side with a blade of some sort. I kicked my father away and flew towards Kay. "He's way too strong Kay. I won't be able to defeat him on my own" I said to her.


"So, after all these years you were alive, guess I should've kept your mother alive after all. That useless bitch got what was coming to her anyway." I couldn't believe he was here. I should've listened. Nate was trying hard to fight him, but it wasn't working. He needed my help. I watched as our father stabbed him. I was getting angrier and angrier. When Nate told me he needed my help and he couldn't do it alone, I released my anger. I turned fire in a circle around him. He stared at me and smirked. "Heh, so you do have powers. Pretty strong ones for only one dose of my experiments. Maybe I should have looked harder for you then. I clearly could have used you easily. You seem just as useless as your mother. How clueless she was." His tentacles came out, but I lit them on fire. He seemed shocked. Calm, approach this as if he is weak and nothing. You're stronger than you think. You can do more than you think. Think words. Fight with words. Focus. He was very weak. I had something that he didn't. Momma. I focused and listened. I could feel my eyes and mind change ever so slightly. I smirked. Fight with words. He tried to escape from the fire ring by flying up but I quickly encased him in a box of fire. "Momma never loved you. You're weak and pathetic. You are nothing. A nobody. You couldn't even realize your daughter was alive. Hah, I lived in the same town as you all 18 years of my life. You're stupid and you can't do it. You're just a nobody." With each word I let the fire inch closer and the words hit him like bullets. He was on his knees by the time I was done saying words. Nate approached him from behind while I walked up to him. I got down to his level putting my face in his. He was angry. "Nobody." As I said that, Nate killed him by sonic screaming the word "bastard of a father" into his head.

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