Chapter 23 They have finally Shown Themselves

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I flew into the woods with Killian where the people were scouting and saw weapon fire and mutant powers firing. I panicked and flew right into the line of fire to search for the kids to get them out of there while Killian attacked whatever was there when something threw me into a tree. I hit the tree with a thud and felt a sharp pain in my arm. When I looked at my arm a sharp branch had pierced my arm. I snapped the branch out while crying slightly and turned to a diamond to fight whatever just hit me and noticed it was a robot of some sort. I charged the robot and when I punched it, it grabbed my arm and threw me once more. I flipped the robot into a spike on the tree and shut it off. I checked to make sure it was dead when I heard a kid cry out in pain and mentally stab me. I cried and looked over and saw that a kid was stabbed. I ran over and grabbed the kid and started to fly away crying. I set the kid's body down and flew towards the thing that stabbed him and yelled with my two voices "I will destroy you piece by piece until you are dust" the robot went back into a tree, and I telekinetically forced it into the ground causing the ground to crack while the robot shattered into to dust. I searched around for other kids and brought them to safety. I heard a boom, and I flew over to where it happened and saw a robot throw an unconscious Killian. I telekinetically picked Killian up and levitated him at my side. I made a small tornado to suck up the small robot pack and turn them to scrap. I started losing my energy and suddenly my skin turned back to its regular form. I grabbed Killian and carried him while yelling to the kids to run. We ran to the front of the old mansion when more robots flew down right in front of us. I told the kids to take Killian inside and when they did, I looked at the robots and said: "you want to attack my friends you're going to have to go through me". I used my magic to summon my staff then said the magic incantation and watched as my staff turned into a scythe. I lunged toward the first robot then yelled "Ianuae" teleported to another robot and got the 1st robot to shoot and destroy the other robot. I said "Ianuae" and teleported again this time above robot one and sonic screamed at it causing the ground underneath of it to go down as it fell powering off. I quickly finished them off by teleporting and slicing them to bits. I walked into the mansion and made sure everyone was doing well. I looked at my arm and noticed it was still bleeding but I couldn't heal it right now. I walked over to a kid with a broken arm and looked him in the eyes and said "Sana" then watched as the arm started to heal. "We were lucky. Yes, we suffered one casualty and a couple of wounds, but they could've taken us down right then and there. Your training, everything we have been training for right now comes into play, I know you guys don't want to spend the rest of your lives fighting but if we give in now, we have given up all the hope left for people like us. We are the future for our people now. We must be strong. We must be hopeful. We must be warriors. We must be family and family stays together to help one another, to stand for one another, and to fight for one another." I said hopefully lighting a fire of courage in every one of their hearts. I heard in the distance more of the robots arriving, so I grabbed my staff/scythe and got ready to fight "we aren't going to survive this are we" I thought to myself as I yelled loudly mustering up all the telekinetic energy I had and hit the ground causing it to shake to make the robots get hit by the ground. As the earth wave went to hit them, they turned into my diamond form "how did they get my powers" I thought to myself as I watched them turn back into their metal material. I told the kids to stay back and use long-range, to not engage the robots in close combat as I charged the robots in my diamond form and punched one, but it barely did anything to it other than making it turn to Diamond and pick me up and throw me into the porch of the mansion. I got back up while slightly limping and my skin was still in my diamond form. "I can't do this on my own, I am too weak I'm sorry children," I thought to myself as I passed out in my diamond form that had cracks and scratches in it as the robots surrounded me. I have no clue how long I was out, but when I came to, I saw Killian was also near me. I noticed that all of my wounds had healed but I couldn't tell how and so I saw Ash.


When we got to the scene, I looked around and saw so many people injured, but what horrified me the most was seeing Nate struggling

"Dude, can you put me down?" I heard a voice. I had forgotten I had her still up on my shoulders.
I put her down and when I turned back around, I saw Nate falling to the ground with Killian not far from him. He was trying to get to him as fast as he could but ended up failing.

"Onward fellow robots. The mutant scums are in our grasp." Soon the robots started to advance.

"Kay, listen to me. I want you to get to the group and stay with them and protect them. I will handle the rest." I say. I felt a familiar presence in my mind and knew she was here too. I looked over at Kay and she was about to protest, but I spoke again. "Kay, you are a lot stronger than I am. I know you are better qualified to protect a large number of people. So please do as I say, I know Nate is your twin brother and I know who you fell for. I know you do not know this, but I have a twin brother. One that I have seen in a very long time, and I miss him too. So, I truly do understand. But please get to the group. I will get Nate and I will shut down these bolts for brains."

She nodded at me and mumbled something, but I could not hear.

I turned my focus onto the abominable robots.

"Hey, you ugly-looking machines!" I called out to them, but none looked at me. What the hell, in all the movies if you call a robot names, they stop and turn their attention to you.

"Ash, you watch too many movies!" I heard Kay call out to me. I just ignored her comment and ran towards the robots and Nate and Killian. One of the robots had gotten close to them. I watched in horror as I saw Killian attempting to shield Nate from all their attack, but in doing so he got injured himself. They were both close to death. I need to go faster. I needed to get to them. I cannot be late again. I will not let anyone suffer!

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