Chapter 22

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Dick had attempted to escape the room not once or twice but no less than three times since he awoke. Once through the door and twice through the window. The first two times Yamada had stopped the strangely energetic teen and chased the boy down around the room and yanked him out of the window before the teen could pop any of his stitches. The third and final attempt was made when Yamada had gone out of the room to, in his words, 'get some coffee for the grumpy man'. When the blonde teacher had left the room after he gave Dick a very pointed look, the boy had instantly jumped out of the bed onto his somewhat wobbly legs to hobble away. He had almost got out of the window too. He had one arm dangled below and the other propped on the glass when he heard a shuffle from behind him.

Dick looked back and saw Aizawa, half mummified, as he tried to reach out and grab Dick's ankle. The boy was frozen as he took in the sight of his bed headed teacher. The man seized his opportunity and moved closer to the boy but when he gave a pained grunt Dick was the one to move instead. The boy dropped any attempts to escape and helped his teacher back in bed; scolding him all the way. After Aizawa was settled he gave Dick a very pointed look, honestly it was on Alfred level of glare. With a look so potent Dick could not refuse and with a great sigh the boy returned to his bed, as he grumbled about 'no good overprotective teachers'. All in all Dick's escape attempts have been extremely unsuccessful, which leads to his current situation, Recovery Girl.

The woman looked one hard cane swing away from knocking Dick up the head but all she did was sigh before she gave Dick an once over and a clean bill of health along with a wet kiss to the forehead. When she was done with all her examinations she went off to grab some clothes for Dick as in the words of Present Mic the ones he currently had were 'too ratty to function'. The woman came back with a neon yellow shirt that said 'MIGHTIEST OF MIGHT' in bold letters and Dick's favorite hero powerlifting the words clutched in her hand but to top off the hot mess a pair bright purple track pants was thrown over her shoulder; what an ensemble. From his left Present Might gave a loud snort. Dick wasn't sure if it was from the look on Dick's face, a cross between horrified and despair, or from the shirt itself. However, it was all Dick had. With an extremely exasperated sigh that had Mic grinning from ear to ear. Dick whipped the curtains around his bed closed and shrugged on the clothes provided

A few minutes later the white curtains were opened once more and Dick came out, in his correct opinion, he pulled off the hideous outfit to a T. But then Present Mic, the confident man, the myth, the legend, took one look and said, "You look like a lost toddler," which sent Dick's hopes drowning down the drain; in a rainstorm, in the middle of July.

"Says the cockatoo," sniped back Dick as he dodged out of the way of the friendly squawk and swinging hand. Living with three highly trained brothers truly enhanced Dick's sense of word duck. With his most pity-pulling pout Dick put on a show "Can I go now?" the boy directed his question at Recovery Girl. With his best and most formidable puppy dog eyes equipped he stared down the nurse. With a huff that did not look out of place on the elderly woman she relented. Dick gave a loud cheer and shot up out of his bed, which startled Aizawa out of the light doze he was in. Yamada gave a big grin and his customary finger guns while all Aizawa could do was give a pained groan.

Dick took that as his cue and proceeded to do a one hand cartwheel up and over the body all while he skillfully avoided his injured arm. However, Dick's strength was not at its highest point and as such he felt himself start to waver. His arm started to shake and Dick slipped. The gymnast knew that he would be fine as one of the first things his parents taught him was how to fall. His dad would always say 'we do not fly to fear falling but fall to love flying'. It was a basic skill that Dick always taught first to his brothers much to their annoyance. But not only that he was still half way on the bed and had more than enough skill and experience to catch himself whilst falling; even when injured. Unfortunately Yamada and Aizawa did not share the same sentiment.

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