Chapter 5

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It had been a few days since Dick first landed in the superpowered world and he would say he is adjusting as well as he could. He had learned more about this world and gathered enough money through his pick pocketing to buy enough food for at least a semi-decent meal everyday, two if he was lucky, even if his main food source was ramen. Dick's Japanese was also getting some exercise, which is always good so that's on the plus side, the only problem is he was still living in the condemned restaurant and so far his best bet of getting home was tinkering with his hologram wrist watch or joining up at UA and convincing principal to do it for him.

That's how Dick found himself taking to the night skies once again in his Nightwing suit, the symbol on his chest blackened out to match the rest of the Kevlar costume in attempts to avoid any possible recognition even if the chances were slim. It also gave him the chance to familiarize himself with the villains of society before he ran off to a hero training school.

After the hell days he's had jumping and twirling around and over buildings with the city skyline in the background felt so liberating (even if he had to be wary of his injury). Racing across the rooftops, Nightwing spotted shadowed figures in the gloom of an alleyway, jumping down in style he went to investigate. The scene before him was one that he had unfortunate displeasure to witness plenty of times before, three men followed a woman, who looked to be returning home from work, into a cornered alleyway. When one of the men shoved the woman against a wall crowding around her as one reached for her shirt Dick decided it was high time he intervened.

Flipping off his perch Dick dove down into the alley, wind whistling in his ears as he went. He landed without a sound just behind the men pulling out his escrima sticks as he went.

"Why hello boys," Dick always took great delight in the way people whipped around at the sound of his voice, it is one of his favourite pastimes. One of the men gave a strangled gasp when he made eye contact with his escrima sticks.

Dick gave a flirty wink at the man "I know I'm breathtaking,"

With those words the men sprung into action.

The one closest to Nightwing charged, fists raised in preparation, the teen slid between the man's legs springing back up behind him flipping to his feet and jumped onto the man's back kicking him out cold as he went before backflipping and landing on the next man. Twisting upside down by his hands on the second man's head he kicked the third man down, before front flipping off the dizzied man's head, landing on the ground and using his escrima stick upper-cutting the final man unconscious.

ignoring the slight pain in his side like a pro, he went to ensure that all three men were down, only then did Nightwing turn around to face the women, taking note of the new presences he sensed. The woman's eyes were wide as she took in his appearance, hands clasped tightly other her mouth and knees pulled to her chest. He knelt down gently in front of the woman making sure to keep his voice soft and even, "Hey there, you're okay now, are you hurt?"

The woman gave a slow shake of her head "No I'm okay now thanks to you," the woman stood up on her shaky legs with Dick's help, clutching at his arm. Once she was stable enough she faced the vigilant, "Is there something I could do to repay you?"

"Just calling this in would be enough, I have someone who wishes to talk to me," Dick looked up at the person watching him straight in the eye, making sure they got the message before tying up the men to a lamppost and bidding the women a farewell.

Vaulting up the side of the alley's walls he landed on the roof, taking note of the scarf the tired man had around his neck and the way he held himself like an experienced fighter.

"Why hello there sneaky friend who might you be?" the teen asked, weapons causally held in his hands and stealthily protecting his wound he tried to get a feeling for his new acquaintance.

"Eraserhead, what are you doing out here problem child?" The man questioned, hands in the pockets of his loose fighting jumper.

A pro hero? Dick should've expected that yet the man didn't really look it but he knew better than to underestimate an opponent.

"Problem child? That's a new one, I prefer to be called deviously handsome,"

A very tired sigh was heard in response "C'mon kid I don't want to fight, you know what your doing is illegal,"

"It wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't,"

"Y'know that means I have to bring you in right?"

"Well of course, if you didn't then you wouldn't be very good at your job old man, would you?"

An exhausted sigh was all the warning Dick got before the man was launching at him, eyes glowing red and scarf floating about. With a bright grin Dick promptly ran at the man throwing himself to the right when the man tossed the end of the scarf at him. Dick rolled across the roof, leaping over the gap onto the next roof whilst the homeless man chased him. Dick let out a strangled laugh when they approached the end of the roof that looked down below to the street, this was the most fun he's had since appearing in this world.

A thud alert him to the hero's presence "Give it up you have nowhere to run,"

Turning around Dick faced the man, arms spread wide "It appears you're wrong my dear hunter for I am never trapped,"

With those parting words Dick free fell off the building's edge, he could hear a shout of alarm from above and could just make out Eraserhead's figure watching his descent before Nightwing flipped mid air pulling out his grappling hook and shooting it at an adjacent building , swinging off to his home away from home.


Aizawa Shouta returned home exhausted from patrol. He wrenched open the door spotting his wonderful husband resting on their couch, blond hair tumbling down his shoulders, TV on a random channel and their cat Bastard lazing about on his lap.

Glancing up at the sound of the door Hizashi instantly spotted the even more exhausted state his dark haired husband was in, concern filled him at the sight.

"Sho?" he questioned

Without a word Shouta kicked off his heavy boots and flopped onto the couch getting a hiss from Bastard before the cat scurried off to hide somewhere. The blonde promptly moved his hands to gently run them through his husband's long hair.

"Rough patrol sho?" he whispered, peppering a kiss to his forehead.

"You could say that," Shouta sighed, "I ran into a new vigilant,"

Hizashi hummed.

"They were good zashi, but the problem is they're a child a highly skilled child," Shouta looked into his husband's eyes seeing the bright well of concern and the barely hidden rage, "he took out three fully grown men without breaking a sweat, then when I confronted him he fled, jumping around the roof like he was born to fly. I cornered him on a tall building, he had nowhere to go and only the street behind him. He jumped zashi he jumped-" he voice broke recalling the sight and he heard Hizashi's gasp"-I thought he died but he just laughed and swung away,"

Aizawa didn't want to think about how he would've been too slow to save him and instead watched as the emotions flickered across the blonde's face, everything from overwhelming worry to heart breaking pain.

Only after several minutes did his husband ask his question "Was he okay?"

"He looked fine when I saw him but I can already tell he's going to be a problem child. I just want him to be safe,"

"I know love, I know, I do too,"

With a final squeeze the two drifted off into domestic bliss their thoughts left wondering about a certain dark haired vigilante. 

Longer chapter today don't get use to it, it took a while to write ;)

Enjoy some kickass Nightwing and concerned Dadzawa and Dadmic

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Until next time !


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