Chapter 4

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Good morning beautiful. I know I already told you this a bazillion times last night, but i'm so proud of you. I'm so happy that you ate a couple pieces of sushi and even ate some popcorn without me asking. You are one of the strongest people i've ever met. I don't care if you get annoyed by how many times I say it, but i'm just so proud of you and I will forever be proud of you and I will continue to say it till the day I die. There isn't enough space in the universe to show how much I love you.

-Your very proud husband

Liam felt guilty. During the movie he got up to go to the bathroom. He told Zayn he drank too much and couldn't hold his bladder any longer but that wasn't the truth. He went to the bathroom so he could make himself throw up the food he just ate. The sushi and greasy popcorn sitting like a rock in his stomach.

He got up from their bed and walked into the bathroom and quickly found the blade that he was hiding from Zayn. He dragged the shiny piece of metal across his skin.

One for eating

One for lying

One for being fat

One for not being good enough

One for being a bad husband

Bedside Table (Ziam)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ