Journey 0-3 : Shelter

Start from the beginning

Chryssa looked up, seeing the roofs of the ceilings ready to collapse at any moment. At least the ceilings would last for a while.

"I'm going back to do more research. Make yourselves at home."

With that, Crowley left her behind with this slowly collapsing building. If she were destined to remain in this residency, she might need to do some kind of renovation. Shaking her head, she looks outside the blurred window, seeing droplets of water descending from above and the darkness enveloping the world.

"...Ah, dear... It started to pour out rather heavily. I do hope that the Headmaster will be fine." Flicking the switch on, the light spread across the dark room, providing a source of light in this temporary residence. Chryssa remained silent after that, enjoying the moments of solitude. With a happy hum, she slowly unzipped the robe around her frame, tossing it onto the dusty sofa.

A small cough escaped her lips, until the dust in the air slowly dissipated. On a regular basis, most people would travel around the place, trying to find the best location for sleeping at night. However, Chryssa had a different kind of approach at the center of her mind. She sat on the sofa covered in robes, not caring whether her robes would get dirty or not.

Right now, there was only one thing plaguing her mind at the moment. But yes, there may be various kinds of distractions that she doesn't quite understand. In reality, he should understand something about her current situation. She felt her presence was an enticement that life itself couldn't resist.

All in all, Chryssa tried to think hypothetically. Furthermore, despite her lone arrival, a woman may be required for something. Maybe she's looking for a concubine? The violet-eyed girl quickly shook her head. It is a hypothetical thought that is very, very absurd or outside the realm of life.

"Hyii!! It's really coming down!"

"..." Or maybe she can postpone her hypotensive thoughts.

"Gyahaha! You've got this stupid look on your face like a spider being attacked with a water gun." Tilting her head to the side, she crossed her arms with one leg supporting the other, legs crossed. "You speak as if my unresponsive expression is an abnormal thing."

"-!! W, Well–"

"How come you've returned to a place you're forbidden to be?"

"I'll have no trouble sneaking back into school. If you think getting thrown out is going to make me give up on getting in, you've got another thing coming." Chryssa stared at Grim for a moment before deciding to answer him with a shrug.

"I sense a small, sappy backstory coming; do spare me the details." Grim, who was attempting to protest against Chryssa, made a small surprised sound. Its claws shielded its ears from the water, simultaneously looking elsewhere.

"Nyaa!! So cold! The roof is leaking!" Panic rose within Grim the moment he felt another drop. "Fgyaa! It keeps coming! My adorable ear fire is going to go out at this rate!"

Standing up from her seat, Chryssa picked up her cloak before shaking off the clinging dust. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she placed the cloak on top of Grim, making sure at least the clothes wouldn't catch fire before putting them down. She caressed his head for a moment, a small smile visible on her face.

"I'll find a bucket. For the time being, use this." Chryssa left a stupefied Grim alone. The pitiful cat has a rather processed expression, but nonetheless he manages to snap out of it.



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