𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7

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Sophie P.O.V

When Sophie got back to the base, she was greeted by several cloaked figures. She glanced at the others, who looked just as concerned as her.
Sophie glared and stepped in front of her new friends, holing out her claws with shadows seeping through her hands.

"Relax. We're here to take you back to your cell," Fintan croaked, taking off his hood and pulling out a medler.

"We can walk on our own, thank you very much," Sophie hissed, letting the shadows turn into a tornado.

Fintan scowled but backed up. "I hope you realize that we have multiple ability restrictors,  and something tells me you won't like it."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "And I hope you realize that I can make these shadows kill you right now," she argued, grinning.

Fintan glared and stepped aside. Sophie stepped forward and shoved past him, the others trailing behind her.

Sophie had made a mental map of where her cell was when the Neverseen took her out of the first one and placed her with the Misfits. Once she got to the cell, she opened the cell door and trudged in. The door slammed behind her once the others followed.

"You gotta teach me how to do that!" Ace exclaimed, plopping down onto one of the hard beds.

Sophie shrugged. "It's a true talent," she agreed. Sophie took a seat on one of the hard beds and put her hands behind her head.

Jax laughed. "Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"

Suddenly a crashing headache emerged and Sophie clutched her head, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she was in Mysterium with the other Misfits, causing chaos. They were sneaking around, pranking people, and making loud BOOM noises. While she was in an alley, someone grabbed her wrist.

Sophie opened her eyes again to find herself back in the cell, with Raven shaking her.

"Sophie, can you hear us?" Jax asked, concern lacing into his voice.

Sophie rubbed her forehead. "Now I can," she mumbled.

"Yo, are you okay? I mean, one second you're talking and threatening Fintan, and the next you have pure black eyes and you're clutching your head," Ace told her.

Sophie shook her head. "Wait, did you say, 'pure black eyes'?

"Yea- but they're back to purple now," Raven replied.

Sophie nodded.

"So, you gonna tell us what just happened?" Jax asked.

"I- I had a vision," Sophie admitted.

Their eyes bulged. "You're sure?" Ace whispered.

Sophie nodded. "Ever since Zhan went missing,"

"Who's Zhan?" They all asked simultaneously.

Sophie mentally kicked herself for the slip. "Um- just a friend," She lied, feeling guilty for calling Zhan a friend.

"Okay, I think we're getting off track. Sophie, what was your vision about?" Raven questioned.

"We were in Mysterium causing chaos," She said simply, leaving out the part where someone grabbed her wrist. 

Sophie didn't think it was worth sharing since it could've just been one of the other Misfits. And maybe if she didn't tell, it wouldn't happen.

Suddenly, Gisela burst into the cell, flanked by several other cloaked members. This time, Sophie wasn't scared. Instead, she stood up, crossed her arms, and tapped her foot impatiently.

"What brings you to the crusty little cell you threw us in, Gis?" Sophie asked.

Gisela glared daggers at Sophie. "Watch your mouth," 

"Make me," Sophie spat.

Gisela stalked over to Sophie and pressed a dagger to her throat. "I will," 

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I dare you," She snapped when Gisela pressed it harder.

Gisela wore a shocked expression but quickly wiped it off with a bland smile, stepping back.

"That's what I thought," Sophie snarled.

Gisela held her chin high. "You're going to Mysterium."

In the corner of Sophie's eye, she saw the other Misfit's shocked expressions. Sophie grinned and turned back to Gisela.

"To do what, exactly?" Sophie wondered.

"Cause some more chaos. Don't worry- you'll be doing much more than that soon," Gisela added when Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Will we be wearing disguises?" Jax asked, echoing her thoughts.

Gisela's smile turned colder. "We need them to know who's causing the chaos. This way the Lost Cities will figure out who's boss."

"I hope you realize all the things that could go wrong, right?" Sophie asked.

Gisela nodded. "We have everything organized."

"Mhm. Okay, well I need to get this over with. So how about you stop spewing trash out of your mouth and go do something useful. Like, I dunno, maybe start with 0giving us real food instead of this crap?" Sophie asked, gesturing to the plate of slop beside her, "And if you're going to be pairing up with ogres, why can't ya fit some gnomes in there too? Oh, let me guess, you didn't think of that. You barely even have 2 brain cells," Sophie sassed Gisela.

Gisela grit her teeth. "The only reason you're alive right now-"

"Is because you want me to be. Blah, blah, blah. You've told me this, like, a million times. Lemme remind you, I have every single Elvin ability, Gisela. So you can walk out of this room, or things will get ugly," Sophie finished for her.

Gisela hissed and strode out of the room without another word. 

A/N OoOOoOoO Thank yall so much for the suggestions, and I think I have a good plot for the story!

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