You mean the world to him and he knows he won't let you go again. Never.

"God, I love you..." he whispers and softly kisses your forehead before he pulls you closer. And next time, he hopes, he'll be brave enough to tell you these words when you're wide awake...

"Excuse me, what?" Kyun looks at his doctor, wide-eyed. "Are you sure?"

This seems too good to be true. In the past two hours, he got his cast removed, did a few physical therapy exercises with a nurse and now he's standing here, unable to believe what his doctor just said.

"Are you in pain now, or were you during the exercises?" the doctor asks again and Kyun shakes his head. "No?"

Smiling, he shuts the file in his hands. "Then you can play!"

Still in disbelief, Kyun's gaze wanders to his dad and back to the doctor.


Both men laugh and the doctor lays his hand on his shoulder and smiles. "Yes!"

"Oh my god!" he gasps, turns around, and immediately hugs his father who pats his back excitedly.

This is so amazing. He never thought this would be possible. Suddenly all the worries he's had in the past weeks vanish. Sure, he needs a lot of practice to get back to the level he wants to show to the talent scouts, but that's okay! He still has almost two weeks to get back on track.

"I told you, things will fall into place!" his Dad smirks and pats his back again. Kyun's heart feels like exploding. He can't wait to see your face. Finally he's able to hug and to touch you without crutches in the way. Finally he can make out with you without that stupid cast. Finally he can drive around in his car with you like he wanted to do for so long now. Finally he can play again...

Since he left school early for this appointment, it's still early enough for you to be there for the extra lesson you're giving Brian today. Or was it Chris? No. Brian. Tuesdays are Brian's days!

Hopefully you won't get mad at him for interrupting you, but he really can't wait.

Excited, he runs past Mrs. Roberts and opens the door.

"Baby!" he calls and both your and Brian's heads shoot up to him. "Baby! Look!"

Smiling, he points at his newly cast-free leg and moves it hectically. Immediately your jaw drops, just like the pen in your hand.

"Oh my gosh!" you gasp. "Kyunnie!"

With an excusing gaze at Brian, who just nods happily, you jump up and run straight into your boyfriend's embrace. He immediately wraps his arms around you and lifts you - simply because he can.

"I'm so happy for you!" you squeal and kiss his face endlessly. Laughing he pulls you closer before putting you back on your feet and you take a few steps back.

"I must say... you look pretty sexy without the cast!" you smirk.

"I know right?" he chuckles and pulls you by your waist into a deep kiss. For a moment you seem to forget that you're not alone until you hear Brian clearing his throat.

Abruptly you flinch apart and look at him. Kyun smirks. You blush. The usual.

"Shall I leave you two alone?" Brian smiles and is about to get up but Kyun stops him while shaking his head.

"It's okay!" again he kisses you. "I have to practice anyway. Every day if I wanna play next week!"

Confused, your head shoots up to him. "But... um.. what about the extra lessons?"

This can't be the only thing you're thinking about right now?

"Are you kidding?" he chuckles. "Baby, I don't need that anymore! I will convince those talent scouts and the moment you see me play you'll finally know what I was talking about! Gotta go!" again he kisses you multiple times before he walks out of the door. Walks. No more limping. This is incredible!

"Kyun, wait!" he hears your voice behind him and turns around, confused.

"You can't just stop studying. I thought you... I thought you wanna be... more..."

Kyun needs a little moment to process your words. And when they finally reach his brain, he feels his entire world shattering. For months he tried so hard, so hard to improve, to be better, and he thought that you respected both his hard work and his dream. But now in your eyes he's still at the same point he was back when you met: he's not good enough. No matter how he turns and twists it... he will never be good enough...

"It's funny..." he says in a low voice and chuckles in disbelief. "In the past two months, I tried everything to understand you... to get to know you. I did everything to learn about the things you love, the things that are important to you... but you're not even thinking about doing the same for me..."

Shocked, you look at him while shaking your head vigorously. "Kyun! No. This isn't what I meant! But you said you wanna be more—"

"More than what, y/n?" he yells. "This is my dream! This is who I wanna be: a stupid jock!"

"Please, Kyun!" you say and tears fill your eyes. "You're not stupid and—"

Sobbing you walk closer and try to touch him but he pushes you away gently.

"A very smart girl once told me that I should stop letting others make me feel worthless - and stick to the people who love me for who I am..."

"Kyun, please!" you beg, crying, still seeming at a loss for words. "This... I don't think you're worthless, please!"

While shaking his head he signals you that he's in no mood to talk to you any longer. Heartbroken, he turns around and walks down the corridor.

"Kyun!" he hears your voice behind him and turns around.

"Don't!" He raises his hand to signal you not to follow him and you immediately stop.

"I can't do this right now..."

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