Despite the promise he made you, in the following days, Kyun just can't deny that this is still bothering him. He can't just pretend everything is totally fine, no matter how hard he tries.

Every time he sees this fucker he wants to beat the shit out of him. Luckily this isn't the case often. Since he knows now why you were hiding, he makes extra sure you don't have to endure Emery's face more often than necessary. So you spend more days in the library again. When this son of a bitch is close, he distracts you by simply kissing you or pulling you into another direction with the excuse that he wants to find a quiet place to make out with you. He has no idea if it works, if you notice his poor attempts to protect you but as long as you don't lose your beautiful smile, he's happy too. But he still can't get rid of this anger inside him...

Kyun's heart skips a giant beat as he opens the door and sees you standing there with the most beautiful smile on your face. Today is the day. Today you will stay overnight for the very first time. And he can't hide how nervous he is but at the same time knowing you'll fall asleep in his arms tonight calms him so damn much. Your parents think you're with Hayden again. She's home alone tonight and Wonho will visit her...

"Hey!" you say, take a step closer and pull him by his jacket to your lips. Kyun needs a lot of self-control not to throw away his crutches so he can pull you closer. Wouldn't work so well if he falls over...

"Come in!" he smirks into the kiss and makes some space for you to enter.

Smiling, you look around. "Where are your parents?"

"Not here!" he smirks. "I sent them to the movies..."

Giggling you kiss him again while peeling yourself out of your coat. Kyun's jaw almost hits the floor as he sees the gorgeous dress you're wearing. It's plain, black, and tight-fitting. For the first time now he's able to see your actual curves and he's so beaten by this view.

Gulping he stares at you. Your legs are so long and... gosh he tries so hard to not think nasty thoughts here. But you're so perfect...

"You like it?" you ask, smiling, and Kyun quickly shakes his head to get his eyes off of you.

"Wow..." he chuckles and looks at you speechlessly before he pulls you closer by your hand. "Do you feel comfortable?"

Smiling, you nod. "Yes! I really do! It's been a long time since I wanted to look sexy..."

You wanted to look sexy... for him. Not only is this flattering as fuck but considering your usual style and seeing now how much confidence you gained in the past weeks... this overwhelms him.

"You nailed it..." he smirks and you kiss, giggling, before he nods over to the kitchen.

"Come with me!"

A little shyly he watches you as you enter the room. Immediately your eyes widen and your jaw drops as you see the pretty table and the candlelight.

"Oh, Kyunnie! This looks so nice!" you gasp before you look at him, confused. "Did you cook?"

"Better!" he smirks. "I ordered pizza!"

There's this split second in which he asks himself if this is enough. You deserve so much more than this. But before he can drown in this thought, you squeal. "Awesome!"

Yet another reason why you are so perfect for him.

"Sit down!" he says and nods to the chair. You kiss him before you do as he says and sit at one side of the square table while he takes the place on your right, next to you. Like this, he can be close to you and still see your face.

Immediately you dig in and talk about everything and nothing. He loves your plain sense of humor and the way you tell stories, your voice is so full of excitement then...

"Don't you have the doctor's appointment next week?" you ask and take a bite while Kyun nods. He's kind of surprised you remember, because you haven't talked about this since the night with his parents. So you remembered it, cause it's important to him...?

"Are you scared?" Your voice is so soft and warm and he feels so comfortable talking about his feelings around you.

Shrugging he takes another bite from his slice. "I don't know, to be honest. I tried to push it away somehow... but... lately.." he gulps, becoming kinda nervous. "Ever since you stepped into my life I see things a little different..."

Surprised you raise your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Football is still super important to me" he shrugs. "But I noticed that I can be... more if I want to. I can go to a college and actually be good at whatever I do there without relying on my talent as a player. I don't know... this took a lot of pressure off me..."

For a long moment, you look at him, smiling before you raise your hand and stroke his cheek gently. "I'm so proud of you!"

Kyun has no idea why his heart suddenly begins to race at your words. This means so much to him...

"Thank you..." Smiling, he takes your hand off his face and kisses your fingertips softly before he sighs and looks around the room.

"I'm sorry if this is kinda lame... I'll take you out properly once I can drive again..."

Instantly you shake your head. "Don't be stupid, baby. This is perfect! I don't need a fancy restaurant or... Ah, I don't even know" you chuckle. "I'm happy as long as I'm with you!"

Smiling, Kyun leans over the table and pulls you into a kiss. He meant this kiss to be soft and innocent but you seem to be... kinda hungry for him. Again he has this overwhelming feeling in his chest and... well... lower, as your tongues begin to play.

"Shall we go to your room?" you ask in a low voice after breaking the kiss. Quickly he nods. "Yeah..."

A little later, Kyun sits in his bed, leaning against the backrest, his hands around your waist while you straddle him.

Smiling into the kiss, he digs his fingertips into your body and pulls you closer.

He actually planned to take it slow here but... no matter how slow he takes it, you don't seem to approve of his pace. But Kyun doesn't mind as long as you feel comfortable.

For something that feels like hours now, you've been making out, while an X-Men movie is running in the background. He loves how easy it is for you to let yourself fall. He can feel your kisses becoming needier, your touches bolder and it requires more and more strength to keep his self-control.

Kyun almost has another stroke as you suddenly begin to grind your body against his hard crotch and moan softly.

"Baby!" he gasps and rolls his eyes. Actually, he was about to stop you but...Gosh. This feels so incredible.

Giggling, your lips wander to his neck and you nibble its skin tenderly. Immediately he growls deeply and holds your waist a little tighter while kissing your shoulder softly. He can feel your smile on his neck as your lips wander up to his ear.

"Open my dress, Kyunnie!" you whisper into it and he gulps heavily before he pushes you back gently to look at you.


Still smiling, you kiss his lips. "Open it!"

For a long, looong moment, he considers this.

Do you really want it? Or do you just think you want it, to do him a favor?

"Are you sure?" he asks and you nod firmly. "I have to take off the dress either way at some point since I'm staying overnight so... you might as well help me..."

You're so beautiful, it's insane. And he can see it in your face that you're really okay with this. No insecurities, no second thoughts. So he pulls you back to his lips while his fingers carefully pull down your zipper... 

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