
"No!" he interrupts you again. "I hate it..."

"Hate what?"

Your voice is so calm again and he knows you're trying not to piss him off any further but it's too late anyway.

"That you look at me like this! And are like this to me! I'm really really trying but no matter what I do I'm always stupid! Fine, I am, now what?"

Sulking he stares at the table, can feel your eyes on him but he's done being charming, done trying.

"I'm sorry..." you whisper eventually. "I never meant to... what's wrong?"

There's nothing he hates more than watching you freaking out and he has no idea why. Something inside of him wants to do the same with you now, wants to let you suffer. But you don't deserve these kinds of games. So he sighs and plays with his pen.


You take a deep breath and support your arms on the table. "What about her?"

"Can I ask you something?" he asks and looks at you. "And be honest with me!"

Immediate you nod. "Sure!"

He can't ignore what Rose said to him.

"I'm not asking for your personal opinion. I'm asking you as an objective person!"

Confused, you tilt your head slowly. "O...kay?"

"Would you date me?" he blurts and instantly, you rip your eyes open. 


He knows how stupid this question is after Min's comment at lunch earlier. But he can't bring himself to worry about your comfort at the moment.

"Answer the question!" he says desperately. "Am I so... boring... or stupid... or... whatever... that you'd see it as an insult if I asked you to date me?" 

To know that he's not trying to hit on you seems to relax you. He sees your expression changing and you clear your throat.

"Is she giving you this feeling?"

"You think I'm stupid as well... but her? I never felt so worthless in my entire life..."

He has no idea why this upsets him so much. But maybe this was a lot. Emery said the other day that he's nothing when he can't play. Rose doesn't wanna date him - he doesn't care anymore that she doesn't want him but it still... hurt.

"But you're not..." you say and he feels your hand on his arm. "Changkyun, look at me!"

Gulping, he turns his head. Seeing how compassionately you look at him... does something to him.

"You're fun! And you're smart when you really want to be! You're charming, handsome, pretty sensitive, and caring! Not to mention what an amazing striker you are!"

"Wide Receiver..." he smirks and looks at you. "Strikers are in soccer..."

"Oh..." immediately you blush. "yeah but you get what I mean!"

Kyun never meant to make you say what you really think about him. But now you did and suddenly it's almost as if his anger evaporated. He never thought knowing you like all these things about him would make him this... happy?

"Is that really what you think?" he asks a little shyly.

"Yes!" you say and nod firmly while fumbling with the math book, apparently trying to sound nonchalant - as nonchalant as the day you both met. Why does it suddenly make you nervous complimenting him? 

He smirks while watching your face carefully. You're still avoiding his gaze but blushing hardcore. How cute you are...

"Rose is a girl that simply doesn't know what she wants!" you say and glance at him. "She'll feel sorry one day for treating you like this... at least when she realizes that you're probably the best thing that could've happened to her..." you add mumbling, your eyes fixed on the book again.

Kyun's jaw drops and his heart skips a giant beat. He can't remember the last time he felt this... this... excited?

"Y/n?" he asks, smirking and you lift your head sheepishly.


"Are you flirting with me?"

Gulping, you stare at him before you shrug. "I'm... not good at this..."

Kyun throws his head back laughing. He can't believe what this conversation did to him. Not only that he feels 100% better, no. You're actually trying to flirt with him.

"I appreciate you a lot..." he says and smirks at you. "Thank you!"

He really is grateful for you. At this moment he has absolutely no idea what's going on with him but it doesn't matter. Because he feels good. He is... happy... that you're here.

"Do me a favor..." you say in a low voice and seem to have your confidence back. "Don't let others make you feel worthless... stick to the people who love you for who you are, okay?"

Smiling, Kyun nods.

"Shall we stop for today?" you ask and gather your stuff together.  "It's Friday and it's been a long week..."

Okay, he hates this. He knows that you wanna do him a favor by letting him leave earlier but this actually makes him sulky again. Because he wants to be here... with you! But he should appreciate your effort.

"Yeah..." he nods and you get up.

"Alright!" you say and grab your bag. "See you on Monday then?"

Smiling, he nods and waves at you as you're leaving the room and can't help but ask himself one thing: Have you always been this... this... adorable...?

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