"Yeah but I must admit this was pretty impressive!" he laughs. "I'm a little proud as well!"

Surprised you look at him before you both laugh out loud.

"But maybe you get now that I was born for this..." he says when you simmer down. He drops his other crutch as well. He's sure it won't be bad to put weight in his injured leg for a few seconds. He takes the ball in both of his hands and as he's about to throw it back to Wonho and the others - who already found another ball to play with by now - he looks at you again. "Wanna try it?"

"What? Throwing a ball? No!" you shake your head firmly. "I'm absolutely not good at sports!"

"Try it!" he chuckles and waves you over. "Come here!"

A little hesitantly you walk next to him. Kyun pulls you by your hoodie in front of him and wraps his arms around you, placing the ball in your hands.

"Hold it like this!" he says and can't help but have this strange feeling as your hands get in touch while he looks over your shoulder. Gently, he guides your fingers into the spaces between the stitches along the seam and chuckles.

"Your hands are so tiny! Okay. With your fingers here you get a tight grip on the ball. Use the grip on the seam to get some leverage, so it spins. And don't just throw it upfront, make the ball roll through your fingers. Like this..." he shows you the movement of your hand and for a split second you look up and your eyes meet. Instantly Kyun gulps heavily. The dim light of the study room never showed the bright color of your eyes. They're... beautiful.


Quickly, he shakes his thoughts off, before he pushes you gently so you stand a little crosswise, his hands still on yours on the ball.

"It's all from the triceps. You have to have strength in here!" he says and touches your arm, still standing behind you. Suddenly you flinch.

"Sorry!" he says quickly and takes his hands off of you. "Sorry I—"

"Not your fault!" you say over your shoulder and chuckle embarrassed while he watches you, tense. "I was just not expecting that..."

For a long moment, he stares at your shoulder. He doesn't like this. At all. Not that you flinched... but people don't do that without a reason. Before he gets lost in his thoughts again, he smiles at you, doesn't wanna give you the feeling you're weird or something. Carefully, he lifts his hands again.

"Your waist is okay?" he asks casually, cause he remembers he already touched you there earlier. He tries everything to not make a big deal out of this, he's sure you already feel bad enough for this.

A little smile appears on your face and you nod.

"Everywhere is okay. I was just... not expecting it as I said!"

"Yeah, but better safe than sorry!" he grins and lays his hands on your waist again. He tries his best to not touch your actual body but shows you what he means by pulling your pullover.

"While throwing, you turn your body upfront like this..." he says and moves your upper body by your waist. "So you have enough momentum! Try it now!" he limps a step back and watches you adjusting your hand on the ball.

"You probably won't make the first time but— HOLY FUCK!"

Wide-eyed, he pressed his hand to his mouth as you throw the ball so hard and smooth that it literally glides through the air - and hits Wonho! Thank god he's wearing a helmet.

In complete shock, you look at each other. You seem to have a hard time believing what you just did before you look back at the field.

"SORRY WONHO!" you yell over at him. The Tight End turns around to you, confused.

"THAT WAS YOU?" he asks bewildered.

"YES!" you and Kyun say in synch and laugh out loud.

"Girl! Wow!" Kyun gasps, still so beaten by that.

"Was that good?" you ask giggling and he shakes his head in utter disbelief.

"If that was good?" he asks, pulls you closer, and points to the sports field.

"Look there! Look at Shownu!" he explains and nods to his broad friend who's just about to throw the ball. In silence you watch him making the exact same moves Kyun just showed you and passes the ball to Emery who - once again - lets it slip...

"See?" he asks and looks at you. "You just threw the ball as good as a damn Quarterback!"

That huge smile on your face proves how proud you are and you definitely can be. That was amazing.

"I was lucky I guess..." you giggle and he tilts his head once again.

"Lucky... or talented?"

"Beginner's luck!" you confirm. "Pretty sure!"

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