"You think I'm handsome!" he repeats and he kind of hates that this flatters him. Even the edgiest, most not-interested seem to share the same opinion. That's an ego boost, he can't deny.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" you shrug. "Your handsomeness I mean..."

Okay, now he's impressed! Usually, when girls find out that he knows that they find him attractive they become all giggly and shy and try to deny it. But you...? You really don't seem to care that he knows it... that's new. And a little confusing?

"Still I love to hear that!" he smirks and you sigh.

"Bet you do. Now!"

A little annoyed, you pull a notebook and a pen out of your bag and shove them over the table to him. Again he scoffs inwardly. Do you really expect him to be completely unprepared for this? Nonchalantly he opens his bag only to realize that you're right. He forgot his notebook at home...


Sheepishly he pulls the notebook over to him and opens it.

"Fine, you don't wanna read it and you don't have the time anyway. So you need to listen to me at least okay?" you say desperately. You seem to take this a tad too seriously. Why do you even care about others this much? But this seems to be your passion somehow and he knows this passion from the field. And he's here to make it to college so... he should try at least. So he nods firmly.

"Okay!" you say and he turns to his notebook to write down what you tell him. "Of Mice and Men is a story that explores themes of human interaction, dependence, and the damaging effects of isolation..."

Kyun lifts his head after you speak and tilts it. "Soooo... no mice?"

"Not quite!" a little chuckle escapes your throat and he can't help but smirk. That sounded cute.

"Okay, George and Lennie are two immigrant workers who...." you keep on summarizing and he turns back to his notebook to write it all down. He signals you he's listening by nodding. He likes your voice, doesn't quite know exactly how, but the way your voice sounds makes it easier for him to understand what you're saying than when his teachers say the same things. It's kind of comforting. He keeps on asking questions while you tell him the storyline in a way that seems so superficial but you assure him that most stuff in this book, especially the beginning, is pretty long-winded and can be shortened easily. He's grateful to you for doing this for him. It saves him a lot of stress figuring this shit out.

Pretty much at the end of the lesson, he watches you while you speak almost philosophically about this book and he can't help but ask himself if this is truly what you wanna be. Someone who has her head stuck in books, in fantasy.

"What do you do in your life?" he hears himself asking and you pause your monologue and look at him bewildered.


Amused by how easily he can throw you off guard, he smirks.

"What do you do that makes you happy? I've never seen you at parties. Gatherings, football games..."

Even though he hates that you think of him as a stereotype he can't help but think of you the same way. You don't look like a bookworm, like one of those teachers' pets. If he's honest with himself you're actually pretty attractive. This doesn't fit with the other... nerds... at this school. That irritates him.

"Like I said I study a lot..." you reply and rip him out of his thoughts.

"But not all the time?" he asks, confused. "Come on, you need a break in between? I mean... sure my way of handling this is... bad but yours isn't better either..."

He knows that he was stupid to ignore his education this much. But the way you do it, school, teaching after, going home and studying again? This can't be healthy...

For a moment you remain silent until you sigh.

"I don't really like to..." you pause. "go out..."

Kyun tilts his head, still confused. "But why?"

Something inside of him can sense that you don't like this topic. But he's too curious to let go.

"I have my reasons!" you shrug.

This is so not satisfying for him! He can't let you graduate next year without you attending a single party. This is just not right.

"Okay!" he nods. "Here's the deal! I wrote down everything you told me about Of Mice And Men and when I get home, I'll study the shit outta this and will pass the test tomorrow and when I pass you'll let me take you to that lake party next Friday!"

For a long moment, you look at him with an utterly confused gaze. "Are you asking me out?"

Immediately he throws his head back laughing. Wow. You told him you think he's handsome with such nonchalance and now you misinterpret this?

"No! This isn't a date! Just a..." he bites his lip, thinking. "hm... I wanna show you how to have fun... my way... so?"

For another moment you look at him until you nod. "Okay!"

You reach out your hand and take his to seal the deal.

"That was fast..." he chuckles, while holding your hand. He assumes you can't wait to finally attend a party - with him! You seem not as edgy as you pretend to be. But there's this smirk appearing on your face and you let go of him before you lean closer.

"Yeah because I'm sure you won't pass this test...!"

Wow... Kyun can't remember the last time he felt so challenged outside the sports field.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of..." he says confidently and returns the smirk of yours.

"I can't wait to see that!" you say and stand up. "See you on Wednesday! Math. Hope you're prepared!"

With these words, you leave the room and he can't help but chuckle - until his eyes fall on all the notes he took today.


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